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***Sam's POV***

I closed my eyes as I rested my forehead against Katie's. She loved me? I loved her? I mean, yeah, I guess...yeah. I really did. I wrapped my arms tightly around her thin waist, and hugged her close to me. I wasn't expecting all of this to happen, but it did. This whole relationship was perfect, besides that whore, Devin.

No, not right now. Not in this moment. I'm not going to let her ruin it for me. Katie's breathing slowed, and her arms went limp around me. I knew she had fallen asleep. I smiled at the sight of her perfect relaxed face. Her plump lips parted. She looked so young. I kissed her softly, and closed my eyes. I quickly fell asleep with my face nestled into her neck.


I woke up, something holding onto my leg. I thought for a second, I'm having a nightmare. Wake up! I looked around. No, I was awake. I could feel my naked body being pulled out of the bed. I grabbed onto the sheets. What the hell. It was dark. I couldn't see anything. "Katie!" I knew I was in her house, I made love to her. What was going on?

I hit the ground, squirming to get free. I started kicking, and my foot made contact with a hard fleshy object. I heard a grunt, a woman. I kicked again, I was free. I didn't know what to do, my body froze. Was this Katie, trying to attack me? Why? She loved me, or maybe she didn't.

I squinted desperatly to see through this darkness. The shimmering light from the moon shown threw the window, to the patio. A glimmer of blonde hair. DEVIN! That bitch. What was she going to do with me? How the hell did she get in here? Where's Katie? I backed up to the closet door. If I couldn't see her, she couldn't see me. I heard her fumbling around the room, "Where are you, you little bitch?" I heard a knock down the hall. Katie. She's awake, she knows what's going on. What am I going to do? I have to get to her. I heard Devin's fleeting footsteps to get to the noise. I quickly found some clothes, what felt like pants, and a shirt. I was hoping they were dark colors, but couln't really tell.

I was up, quietly exited the room, I didn't know this house well, but I would find Katie. I heard Devin. She was going towards the library where I caught Matt. I knew where that was. I thought maybe she left Katie in there, but hopefully she got free, and made it somewhere else. "Devin, what the hell?" I heard a crash. My head perked up. I bolted towards the library, grabbing the vase off the stand as I entered. I heard rustling and grunting. I stayed close to the wall, and looked around the corner to the back office. Devin was on Katie, striking her face. She was gone, limp. Her body nonresponsive. I let out a gasp, though I wasn't noticed. I firmly grasped the vase, preparing for combat. I held it above my head and smashed it into Devin's blonde head. She fell ontop of Katie, and I pushed her off.

"Katie, please" I shook her softly. "Please wake up. I love you." I put my hand on her face. Nothing. I put my fingers on her neck checking for a pulse. It was faint but there. I knew Devin would wake soon. I looked at Katie. "I love you." I put my lips on her now swelling face. I knew I couldn't pick her up. I knew I wasn't going to be able to do a lot in this situation. My phone. The police. I ran for my purse in the living room. I knew it had to be by the couch unless Devin was smart enough to move it. I fell, feeling my knees hit the hard tile. I got back up, I saw the shimmer of my purse shoved under the couch. I dove for it. Grabbing it quickly, and trying to hide before Devin awoke.

My clumsy fingers refusing to work. I struggled with my bag, and all the junk inside of it. I finally felt the smooth surface of the screen. I grabbed it, and dialed 911. I held it to my ear, then heard a loud thud coming from the library.

"911 what's your emergency."

"There's someone in the house, she's trying to kill my girlfriend and I."

"Where are you?"

"The house on the hill.." Devin rounded the corner, seeing me. Her glare deadly, her hair wild. Blood running down her neck from the blow. I gulped, "Devin, please." I threw my phone to the side so she wouldn't have a chance to get it. This tall woman towered over me, grabbed my hair, and I let out a scream. She dragged me along the floor towards the glass doors leading towards the cliff. I knew what she had intended to do. I knew what was going to happen. I was going to die. She was going to throw me over the cliff and I was going to die. Tears were falling down my face, "No, please. I didn't know. I'm just a stupid kid." I was trying to plead for my life. She pushed me up against the railing. The ocean roaring underneath me. The place I loved the most was going to be my death.

"Oh, please, like you didn't know Katie and I were together." She took a step closer, "I've done everything for that woman, I've taken care of her when she didn't have anybody, I loved her when she didn't feel loved. I have done everything for her. Then you come along and steal it all away from me?" Her voice was getting louder, and I clung onto the railing. I wasn't ready.

"Please." Her hands were on my shirt, and I closed my eyes. Her fist hit my face, I couldn't see straight. She hit me again. Everything went black.



Sorry it's been so long guys! I've been really busy with school and work!

But I do hope you like this part, let me know in the comments, give me some votes!:D

Thank you soo much!!


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