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...Katie's POV...

I looked at Devin, who decided to not leave my house. I pulled my phone out, "I'm calling the cops." I dialed 911, and waited for the disbatcher to pick up.

"No, Katie, Okay, i'll leave." She looked defeated, and tired, and hopefully this would be the last time I had to deal with her. I was tired of her showing up wherever I went, and trying to ruin my life, and get to where she wants to date me, and be with me forever. I couldn't handle that, she was crazy.

I told the dispatcher nevermind that she was leaving, I slammed the door behind Devin, and locked it. I needed to change my locks, and everything, because apparantly she can break in anywhere. I rolled my eyes.

I was upset because Sam didn't know what to believe, she didn't trust me, and she was hurt. I knew that, and I couldn't explain, because nobody normally believes me about Devin. She looks so beautiful, and perfect, who would believe that she's crazy?

I went straight to my room to straighten up my hair, and make-up. I looked fine, and I didn't really care at this point. I pulled my sweat pants on, and threw my hair up. I opened a bottle of wine, and sipped it slowly. I still had a few hours to see Sam. I wonder what she was doing. I wish I could be with her. I wish this never happened, and that everything would go back to that perfect day we had together, and that bitch Devin didn't fuck my life up.

I let the wine consume me, and I closed my eyes to take a nap.


I woke up and the sun was setting. I rubbed my eyes, and stretched. I looked at my phone, and realized I had to be down to Katie. I quickly grabbed my keys, and raced towards the shack where we first met. I saw her sitting there by herself. She looked like she was thinking seriously about something. I got out of the car, and went to sit next to her. The wind was really picking up, and I pulled my hood over my head. I grabbed the extra jacket I had in my car, for Sam. I knew she would be cold. I headed over to her. "Hey." I said softly, not wanting to startle her.

She looked at me, her eyes swollen from tears. "Hey," her voice thick, and groggy. I put the coat around her, without hesitating. She accepted it, without question. "Please, explain."

She looked me dead in the eyes, I pulled my eyebrows together, and looked at the ground, "Okay, Devin, and I, we dated, a long while ago. It was only for a short time, but ever since she won't leave me alone, she follows me everywhere I go. I can't get rid of her." I sighed, and looked down, at my hands."Sam, I'd never pull a stunt like that, not on you especially." I looked up from under my hair, to meet her eyes. "You're special to me, you have been since I first saw you sitting here. When I kiss you, I explode." I touched her hand and she pulled away slightly. I retracted my hand, and continued on with my story, "I promise on everything I have, I would never cheat on anybody, and Devin is crazy. I'm in the process of filing a restraining order, it just seems to be taking forever. I don't know why..." i let my words trail off. I looked at Sam, "Please, believe me."

I touched her cheek, and she sighed, "Oddly enough, I do believe you." She nodded and leaned her cheek into my hand, meeting my eyes. "My mom is the same way, which is why i believe you. If it wasn't for Shelly, i would have never thought about it, because I thought my mom was just that way. Like today, she took my shopping, right? She promised me all of these things, but really, she ditched me for some guy, she followed him around, and I was just her excuse to go. She didn't even buy me anything." She sighed, and looked at me, "Anyways, I'm sorry for over reacting, and I understand what you're going through. Maybe not exactly, but I know what it's like to have somebody always trying to ruin your happiness." She took her hand in mine, and I smiled. I pulled her lips to mine, and gently kissed her.

"Do you want to go back to my house?" I rubbed her arms. "It's kind of getting chilly."

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