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Her eyes slowly closed and she looked down, she didn't say anything but I knew she was thinking something. she ran her thumb over my cheek then slowly let her hand drop. Did she not want to kiss me like she did earlier? Why did I do something wrong? I knew now that I wanted her I wanted the passion I felt from her I wanted to feel her, but I seemed she didn't want me. Maybe she did but maybe she wasn't ready to kiss me considering the circumstances.

She left the room without another word to let me change. I sucked in a deep breath, and automatically reached for my phone. I pulled my eyebrows together where was my phone, my mom was going to kill me though I'm sure Shelly had updated my mom all night on what we were doing though I'm sure she lied about it. She probably wrote my mom telling her I was spending the night. Thank goodness for Shelly I loved that girl, I'm just hoping that she actually texted my mom, if not this is totally worth it, anyways.

I pulled off my dress and walked naked to the bathroom, I looked at myself in the mirror, and grimaced. Oh goodness, I looked like a hot mess, I turned the water on and quickly washed my face and dried it off with a towel then looked at myself again. that's sort of better I guess my make up was off but at least it wasn't smudged all over my face. I pulled on the over sized clothes Katie had given me, just plain sweats and a read hoodie. I rolled up the top of the sweats so they wouldn't drag on the ground. There I looked fine and comfortable and moderately clean. I headed down stairs to face this woman that I desired desperately.

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