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Sorry it's been so long, hope you enjoy!

I had to think, quickly, Katie was already almost to the door I was still outside. I rushed inside quickly, and I managed to stop Katie before her hand reached the door. "Katie," I shook my head, "This isn't your problem it's mine. Let's just leave it alone." I placed my hand on her arm, "We were breaking up anyways, and this is just a good incentive to do so."

Katie's hand loosened on the doorknob, and she touched my cheek, "Are you going to be okay? This can't be easy for you? Do you want a drink, or anything?" The way she gazed into my eyes, like I was the only thing in the world that meant anything to her. I was the center of her attention, and I had been since we. Her doe eyes made me lean in closer to her, not realizing it.

I swallowed hard, when I heard Shelly clear her throat behind me. A shiver ran through my body, when Katie pulled her hand away from my cheek, I wanted it back, I never wanted this moment to end, I wanted her to whisk me away into the chambers of her arms, and tell me everything I wanted to hear even if it weren't true. In this moment, all I wanted was her arms around me, and her gentle lips against mine, but I knew I had more important things to take care of than my feelings. Like Shelly for instance, curious at what she had just seen, the closeness of Katie and I, the intimacy.

I grabbed ahold of Shelly, and pulled her back to the main hall. I grabbed a Jell-O shots, and handed one to Shelly, she downed hers as well. Katie walked up behind me and I could feel her hand on the small of my back, I leaned into her welcoming her touch. Shelly knew she would have the chance to ask me about my friendship with this woman, though I still had to figure that out for myself. I know I just met her, but for some reason, I feel like I was meant to meet her, she made me feel special, and comfortable.

Katie grabbed my hand, and pulled me to the middle of the floor, she was so confident, and graceful, I couldn't keep up, but she was patient. She slow danced with me to the soft ballad playing in the background, everybody moved out of our way, and cleared the center of the room. I noticed a few people had started joining in, but all my focus was on her, and her deep, passionate eyes were locked on mine. I could feel myself getting warmer, and falling into her beautiful eyes.


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