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...Sam's POV...

I looked at Katie, who had stubbornly leaned against her car, and waited for me to comply. The wind had picked up and my hair was whipping across my face. I clenched my jaw, "You can take me home, but that is it.

When we pulled up to my house, I got out quickly. I didn't have anything to say to Katie, I didn't want to say anything to her either. I got to my door, and searched for my key in my purse. I fumbled with them, as I tried to find the right key. I stuck it into the door once I found it. Just when I unlocked it. I heard a car door shut. "Sam," Katie, said behind me. I gripped the door knob. I didn't turn to look at her. "I'm sorry, if you'll give me a chance to explain."

I opened the door, and went inside. I closed the door behind me, and leaned against the door. Tears rolling down my face. How could so perfect turn to be that bad? Why did everybody I have to fall for be like that? She couldn't even explain herself, she didn't have anywords to say. I put my face in my hands, and cried. I was tired of being hurt all the time. I just wanted to get away from here. I wanted to go somewhere where I could just dissapear. I curled up on the couch, and fell asleep.

I awoke the next day with swollen eyes, and a pain in my neck. I touched my head, feeling a headache coming on. I heard clanking in the kitchen. I shot up quickly, and went and looked. My mom was there making breakfast, I pulled my eyebrows together, she wasn't supposed to be home for a while. "Mom?"

She turned to look at me, "Oh, hey honey."

I mentally cringed, I hated when she acted all nice to me. I knew it was all fake. "What're you doing here?"

I sat on the counter, looking over shoulder to see what she was making. It was pancakes, and bacon. My favorite. I narrowed my eyes at it, what had she done? What did she want me to do?

"What's the breakfast for? You realize it's almost midnight right?

"I just missed you, can't  a mother cook for her daughter?" I knew not to trust her, she wanted something. She could see it written on my face, "I was thinking, how about tomorrow you and I go shopping or something? Since I didn't get to take you for graduation?"

I smiled slightly, and nodded, I could use some new clothes.

I still wasn't sure if I could trust her or not, and I wasn't going to let my guard down, but if she's willing to spend money on things I need why not right? I ate the food as she sat down in front of me. "So who were you with?"

I felt my body stiffen and my jaw clench, "I don't want to talk about it."

She leaned back eyeing me, then leaned forward again, "How's Matt?"

I looked at her, just moving my eyes, to meet hers, I stopped chewing, and just shook my head.

"Oh, I see." She reached over, and grabbed my hand, "I'm sorry honey, he did seem like he was an asshole." I put the last piece of bacon in my mouth and nodded. I felt tears threatening to spill over my eyes, but not in front of her. I knew her to well, she'd take my weakness, and use it against me. She only pretended to be nice to me to get what she wanted then I was back in the gutter.

I put my plate in the sink, and washed it, then headed to my room to go to sleep, and let my tears escape, then never leave my room again.

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