Holy fucking shit.

It's Nathan Parker

I hear my friends gasp, including me.

" Is that Nathan?! " Riley yells over the people. " No way! " Nick exclaims. " That's got to be him! It's the same tattoos Nathan has. " Kyle states. I just stood there. Not saying a thing.

" Alright guys who is ready to see the biggest fight of the year! There is no time limit to this fight folks so this could on last seconds or hours! " The man yells. Everyone cheers except my friends and I. We are too stunned to say anything.

My mind fills with a bunch of questions.

What the hell is he doing up there? Sense when was he a fighter? Is he really that good? He's only 18!

My minds snaps when a buzzer goes off and the fight begins.

Nathan took off his robe and only left with his black basketball shorts, a black mouth guard and boxing tape. What the fuck?! Isn't he supposed to have boxing gloves?! The other guy doesn't have any either. How do they not break their knuckles?!

He had another tattoo on the side of his hip, 7/08/16. What in the hell does that mean? A birthday? A death?

" Hey Lilia look! It's about to get good! " Riley says in my ear. I look at the arena and they are circling each other waiting for the other to make the first move.

Knock Out was the first to take a swing. But Nathan-or Storm dodges it and swings his leg to the side and kicks Knock Outs shin. He loses his footing giving Storm enough time to throw a powerful punch. Knock Outs face flicks over to the side while spit and a tooth fly out of his mouth.

" Holy shit " Dylan says. " He's good! " Ashley exclaims.

Knock Out regains his footing before taking another swing at Storm. He quickly dodges it and swings with his right to Knock Outs stomach and swings with his left to the same spot. All in a matter a seconds. There is a string of ' Ooos ' that fill the room.

Knock Out looks up at him and roars and starts swinging left and right. All of which Storm dodges. He scans the crowd while he does a upper cut square in the jaw to Knock Out.

Then his eyes land on me.

His eyes widen before saying " What the hell are you doing here?! " Or that's what I think he said but I couldn't hear over the crowd. While he was distracted Knock Out uses that opportunity to punch Storm in the cheek and Storm falls to the ground.

Knock Out straddles him and starts punching him with no break in between. Storm covers his face but it doesn't help. The crowd gets louder.

He's going to get hurt.

I find myself screaming at him, telling him to get up. " Come on Nathan get up! You can't give up now! Don't you fucking dare give up on me! " I yell. Storm turns to look at me and it's like a switch goes off and he throw a hard punch that knock Knock Out off him.

He positions himself by bending his arms and places his hands firmly on the ground. He curls his body before pushing himself upwards and off the ground. Using his hand and lands back on his feet with a loud ' thud '.

Storm kicks Knock Outs stomach and straddles him in a matter of seconds and starts throwing hard punches. He doesn't stop, at all. Knock Out tries to protect text himself but his arms weaken and completely knocks out.

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