Drawing Differences

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So yeah, it's been a while! Been busy with a lot of College work, projects and such.

And I like to take this time to ask: What is it about this story that pulled you in? What exactly do you like about this story?

I just keep wondering, My writing isn't perfect, yet still people read it, and like it. So please, humor me.

I'm droning on, here's chapter 18. Hope you enjoy.

"I cannot believe you just did that. I COULD not believe you just did that."

"You know, you keep on saying that it's not gonna make it anymore unreal." Lauren drawled.

Judy sighed, running a paw over her face in aggravation. Head hanging low whilst two of her fingers pinched the bridge of her nose.

"Don't be such a drama queen." Lauren retorted, "It's not that embarrassing if you think about it."

After those words left her mouth, Judy's head rose, only to send her sister a glare.

"Not that embarrassing?" she echoed incredulously, "You compared Nick's private parts to Gideon's. Who does that?"

Now it was Lauren's turn to send Judy a look.

"Um I don't know, maybe perhaps every single female in the animal kingdom who has great sex?" she answered, in a way that made it sound like it had been the most obvious answer.

"And possibly half of every doe that's present in the house." she quickly added.

"That doesn't really help me." Judy shook her head.

Both does had been manning the vegetable stand ever since they arrived from the hospital, by the order of their own mother of course. It had been an awkward drive back to the farm yet despite of that, Nick and Gideon (with the help of a pair of crutches) decided to sit down at the porch and talk. Or so Nick claimed.

Judy found it strange that they'd still spend more than a second in each others presence with the awkward moment that previously happened in Gideon's hospital room. Though Judy reckoned that it might have been for the best, and Lauren readily agreed.

Over an half an hour passed and overall, they merely had to deal with five costumers so far. Not bad, yet still a bit too slow for Judy's liking.

"I still can't believe you did that." Judy said.

"Okay, what do you want me to say?" Lauren challenged.

"Um, I don't know, how about you're sorry for walking into my room without knocking, leering at my boyfriend and ultimately embarrassing me in front of yours!" Judy argued back.

Lauren gasped, "I wasn't leering! And how the hell was I supposed to know that you were canoodling with Nick? The damn door wasn't see through, I don't know the exact time you do your sexual bedroom habits."

"Ugh! Seriously? Canoodling? You're starting to sound like mom!"

"You take that back." the brown doe glared at her sister.

Judy shrugged off her heated look.

"Admit that you were leering at Nick and I will." offered the grey doe.

"God! Fine! Yes, I was leering at Nick-"


"But don't fault me for it!" she exclaimed, "We're both dating foxes. Why if you saw Gideon's-"

"Nope!" Judy suddenly interrupted, "Uh-uh, no no no."

Lauren shot her sister an unimpressed look.

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