Just A Regular Day

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Sup! New Chapter here coming right you! Jam packed with so much sugary fluffy sweetness that it could rot your teeth and may actually attract fire ants.

Also, if you consider yourself as a fan of Robin Williams you might spot a few of his stand up material in this chapter.

Let's do this!

It's Sunday.

Why is it Sunday? Why can't it be Saturday 2.0?

Judy had just talked to her mother via video chat. Bonnie had asked if her daughter had already packed up for the family reunion tomorrow. Which was Monday. The day that comes right after Sunday.

And today was Sunday.

It was painfully clear. There was no way she was going to avoid it; she was going to have to attend that blasted reunion.

Just her and her whole clan. A whole day filled with relatives asking 'Why aren't you married yet?' and dozens of random aunts and uncles giving her some random buck's phone number.

And if that wasn't painful enough, Her parents, the same buck and doe that raised her, fed her and loved her, had invited the one rabbit in Bunny Burrow that she herself swore to never EVER see, smell and talk to ever again.

One of her ex-boyfriends from Senior Highschool, Robby Peterson.

A self absorbed, borderline, ego maniac who was born into a rich family and feels like he was entitled to everything.

Judy's past relationship with him was an anomaly in itself. How it lasted for a month she doesn't have even foggiest idea. Though granted, when they first started dating back in highschool he was one of the more popular kids; if the most popular boy in school saw you worthy enough to be asked to a date you'd be an idiot to say no.

At first he seemed nice; their first date had gone by smoothly. He was polite, charming, funny and he paid for everything. That lasted for almost half a month until she saw him for what he truly is.

About a year later, that was when she met Michael Cornwall. A much more wholesome, polite young buck who showed such promise. But what she had with him lasted far more shorter than what she had with Robby. It had been short, due to the fact that she was leaving for the academy.

Michael was the one who ended it. He was just not keen on long distance relationships. He had been there at the train platform where he kissed her one last time. It felt bittersweet.

Another year later she received news from him through her parents. He met someone, got married and now he has a hundred and fifty children with four on the way.

It wouldn't have bothered her if her parents invited him instead.

So tomorrow she was going to face a horde of invasive questions from equally invasive relatives and one pompous son of a bitch.

Great! Just great. No it's not just great, it's fantastic! Simply Kick-you-in-the-crotch-spit-on-your-neck fantastic!

Judy slammed her head onto her table after throwing her phone at the couch.

She groaned, moaned sighed and grumbled, but doing so wasn't going to make the reunion itself vanish from existence.

Oh how grueling it would be for her to see her many siblings and cousins with their husbands and wives and their children while she would be all alone sitting on a bench somewhere with no relationship to speak of.

And then something just clicked.

She picked her head up from the desk as an idea started coming to her. And of course! Hot damn! Why hadn't she thought about this sooner?

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