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-Day of birth-

Jc's been really good about helping me with mood swings, cravings for unusual things and sickness.

But I wondered, if we're having a baby together when are we going to get married? It doesn't matter much to me, to me all it is is a promise ring, but it's a good influence on our child. I'll love him no matter what, but it's just thoughts that run through my mind sometimes.

"Need anything babe? I'm going downstairs to get water." Jc said removing his arm from under me and slipping on his slippers.

"I'm good."

He nodded and went downstairs.
Contractions? I sighed and began to groan in pain.

"Jc!" I yelled.

I heard him run upstairs.
"What! What's happening? Are you okay?" He panicked.

"I'm fine. My water just broke, we have to go to the hospital."

He was panting from panic.
"Okay okay!" He panicked some more, and picked me up running with me to the car, me terrified he was going to drop me with our child in my stomach.

We pulled into the hospital and the doctors took me in right away and told Jc he couldn't be in there for a minute, but after a little while he was allowed in and I was in more pain than ever.

"Doc, the baby's coming." The nurse said calmly.

I groaned in pain and Jc threw me his hand. I gripped it tighter and tighter screaming at him.

"Another push." The doctor ordered.

"JUSTIN HOW DARE YOU MAKE ME GO THROUGH THIS!" I screamed at him digging my nails into his palms.

"Last one."

"I HATE YOU JUSTIN!" I screamed and with that the baby was out, and Jc looked terrified.

"Um, wow." He said awkwardly rubbing his palm.

"Jc you know I love you but that was so much to go through." I chuckled, ready to hold our baby girl.

"We'll be back in a second." They explained taking her away from us. I frowned and looked at Jc, another nurse came in.

"What would you like to name her?" I looked at Jc confused.

"May we have a minute?" He asked nicely and she nodded walking back out of the room.

"What should we name her?" I asked him.

"How about Autumn Rose Caylen?" He questioned and I smiled.

"I love that. That's her name." We agreed and the doctor came back with her shortly and invited Matt inside, and oddly my father showed up, I'm not really sure how he knew although.

"She's beautiful." My father said as I held the crying blue eyed baby in my arms.

"How'd you know?" I asked and he looked at Matt.

"He got ahold of me." He smiled and I smiled back at him.

"Want to hold her Jc?" I offered and he smiled brightly with a tear in his eyeball and gently took her from me.

His sweatshirt strings hung in her face and she giggled at them, the first time we've heard that so far.
She had just finished crying.

"Take good care of them both Justin, they're one of a kind." My father warned and Jc nodded.

"Wouldn't trade them for anything."

My dad smiled.
"How's your mother?" He asked coming towards me.

"Still insane." I explained and he laughed.

"But you didn't have to abuse her."

He looked at me in confusion.
"I never abused your mother." He squinted his eyes and furrowed his eyebrows.

"She told me you did."

"The only time I put my hands on your mother in the past three years was once because she threw a mason jar at the side of my head."

I rolled my eyes.
"Doesn't surprise me."

He chuckled. "May I hold her?" He asked and Jc looked and me, and I nodded.

She was transferred to my father and then to Matt, then Matts girlfriend.
Afterwards Kian came and Zoey did too and they had some news.

A ring placed on Zoeys ring finger.
We congratulated them until Kian said.
"It's your turn Jc."

Jc looked down at himself and I pretended not to hear anything.

Well, whatever.

The babysitter// Jc caylen Where stories live. Discover now