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"Mom, dad, what are you doing g here?" I asked confused as they entered the door, it hasn't even been ten minutes since they left.

My dad stared at me blankly.
"Delilah. Sit." He said solemnly.

"What's going on?" I asked nervously.

My mom sat down next to me, an angry expression plastered on her face.

I looked at her confused, and she went through her phone until I saw something that said,
PC, parent control.

I furrowed my eyebrows as she clicked further into the app, where it showed my phones background, camera roll, messages and everything else.

She clicked on the contact that said 'cutie' and shoved it to my face and my heart dropped.
"We know who this is." My father said in a disappointed voice.

"How?" I asked confused biting my nail trying not to make contact with him.

"How could you? We cant even give you a babysitter, seriously? It says right here he owns the company we work for, you obviously didn't think things through."

"I'm turning seventeen in three days. Its not a big deal." I explained and she raised an eyebrow biting the inside of her jaw, obviously not to show too much anger to me.

"Not a big deal? Leaving you with a twenty two year old man, you guys doing god knows what. Not a big deal?" She stared me down and I felt my nose and eyes sting.

"This is a huge deal Delilah, we cannot trust you." He scolded, making me look at him.

"Why is this so bad? I love him." O defended and he shook his head.
"You do not." He said confidently.

"And what makes you think that?" I ask.

"You might love him, but I promise he's only using you." My father put his hand on my shoulder and I shook my head no.
"He isn't." I know he isnt.

"We know Justin very well Delilah, he is not a good guy." My mom said.

"Well it was nice of you to leave your kid and ask him to babysit me since he's such a horrible man." I scolded her, and her eyes filled with glass.

"He is not a bad person in general Delilah. But he is not the boy you want." She said, her voice cracking and my heart joins her voice.

"You don't know him. There's so much more to him than you'd ever think."

"I'm sorry Delilah. You cant win this. If you see him again, we're calling the police."
I gasped.

"What is this anyway? I can't have privacy!" I began to cry.

"Your seventeen! You don't nerd privacy right now! You need us!" My dad yelled into my face.

"I don't need you! I am old enough to make my own decisions."

"You are far too mentally young to make your own decisions. Give me your phone, and go to your room." My mom demanded.

"Want my phone?" I asked.
She gave me a stern look.
"Go get it." I gave a smirk, and threw it across the room shattering it into pieces and she gasps.

"What have you turned into?" He questions.

I shook my head at her and went upstairs.
I locked my door, pacing before I pack my things and open my window.

Take the risk.
I tell myself, looking down at the ground below me.
I smiled at my feet that dangled and stared.

"Delilah unlock this door right now!" My dad screamed in anger.

I moved to the ledge and locked my window, shutting it behind me.

"DELILAH!" I could still hear my mother shout.

Its now or never.

I ignored the negative thoughts that this could possibly be high enough for me to die, and took a deep breath.

I heard my door handle jiggle, and I knew it was time.
I have to go, no matter how this ends.

One more deep breath, and I stood up, stepping off the ledge and falling through the air.

The babysitter// Jc caylen Where stories live. Discover now