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I woke up, getting ready and going downstairs to greet Kian.

"I gave Jc your new number. He told me he wants to text you."

"Okay." I approved and my phone dinged right after that.

I checked it.

Hey Rosie! I love and miss you. I'm sorry I couldn't be with you today but I already had plans and they're really important. I'll make it up to you I promise, from Jc.

I sighed and put my phone on the counter.
"Everything okay?" Kian chuckled and I nodded my head yes.

"Yeah Jc just can't be with me today."

"Aw that sucks." Kian frowns and smiled afterwards. "I want to take you shopping for your birthday."

"You really know how to make me feel bad, huh?"

He looked at me confused.
"Kian you're so stupid. I hate it when people spend they're money on me!" I pleaded.

"Delilah I have tons of money. I'm a youtuber!" He convinced and I shrugged.

"I guess." I smiled and he took me to the mall.


Four hours later.

Me and Kian have been shopping together all day, and its funny how close and use to eachother we've become. He's actually really cool.

"What store next?" He asked and I pointed to rue 21.

"I like that store too." He said and we walked over there.

I went in and began looking at perfumes, jean shorts and shirts.
I found some shirts and wanted to  try a couple on.

I found the correct size, running Into someone behind me.
"Sorry!" I said quickly before I looked at them.

I felt my eyes sting.
"Olivia? Jc?" I asked. They were holding hands.
Jc dropped her hand quickly.

"This was your im-mportant plan?" There was a lump gradually getting bigger in my throat that was impossible for me to swallow.

"Rosie stop! This isn't what it looks like!"

"Really Justin? You aren't holding hands with the girl you hooked up with  before me? Because that's what it looked like and that's what is was." I tried getting away from him but he pulled me back again.

"Please Rosie." He begged and I shook my head no.

"You're sick. Leave me alone." I begged.

"Can you just give me a second! I just need to talk to you!"

"I won't listen, and I have nothing to say to you other than me and you are done for, forever." I promised, and his face turned red.

Kian walked over and grabbed my hand.
"What the hell Jc. You really are sick."

"So you guys can hold hands but me and her can't?" Jc whined and I nodded.

"We aren't dating, we didn't hook up before, I loved you and didn't move on. But you did the next day. How dare you drop me for this slut. Your important plans were her over me. Go away and never see me again."

He shook his head and grabbed her again, hugging her. She was crying, maybe because I called her a slut but it was true.

"Delilah." Kian said sofly, comforting me.

"Yes?" I asked.

"I just wanted to make him jealous for what he did to you. I hope you don't feel awkward." Our hands were no longer attached.

"If that's what he wanted, he can have it forever." I smiled forcefully.

"You'll always have me." Kian rubbed my back and I nodded.

"Yeah." I sniffled.

"Now where to?" He asked.

"Your house, please?" I wipped my water line.

"Or course." He smiled and carried my bags, driving me to his house after putting them in the car.

The babysitter// Jc caylen Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora