Twenty Two

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"Kiki please!" I begged tugging on the hem of his shirt, stopping him from moving.

He rolled his eyes at me.
"Why in the hell cant you get your own car?" He said in a moody tone.

"Maybe because I'm broke and have no parents you asshole." I spat and he shook his head.

"Well can't he come get you?" He asked.

"Why? What's your plans?" I ask and he smiled.

I squinted my eyes in confusion.
"What?" I ask and he shook his head.

"I'm having someone over tonight and you need to leave but I don't know what time she's getting here."
I gasped with excitement.

"Zoey?" I screamed.

"No." he looked at me confused.

"What? Then who?" I ask and He frowns to himself.

"Olivia." He smiled and I shook my head at him in confusion and disappointment.

"You know that's basically jcs ex, and you know Zoey likes you and you led her on. You piece of shit." I snarled and he lost his smile.

"Rosie, please don't take it that way." He whined and I shook my head no at him.

"I'm having Jc come get me. I don't want to live with you anymore. Your not who I thought you were."

"I didn't do anything that bad!" He begged.

"For one, your dating your bestfriend and my boyfriends old lover, and you acted as if you loved Zoey and now she likes you, so good job for breaking my best friends heart." I have a sarcastic smile and packed my bags.

"Rosie why'd you pack everything? You know your only going to jcs for two days right."

I shook my head.
"Yeah, but I sure as hell will not come back to you." He frowned at me.

"Rosie what can I do? I'm sorry I love Olivia."

"You know what you can do? You can kiss my ass and leave your bullshit with you because you barely even know her. Goodbye, Kian." I screamed and slammed the door behind me.

I got inside jcs car and slammed his door.
"Babe what's wrong?" Jc asked concerned before pulling out of the driveway.

"Kian." I mumbled.

"What'd he do to you?"

"He did it to you and Zoey, not me." I shook my head.

"What do you mean?"

"He's going out with Olivia."

"Rosie you know I don't love her, I love you but he told me he liked Zoey."

I rolled my eyes.
"But she's basically your ex, and best friends shouldn't date their best friends exes."

"True." He said pulling out of the drive way.

"Why'd you pack so much stuff? You told me you were only staying for two days."

I shrugged. "I don't know, just didn't want to forget anything important." I lied, if I told him the truth he wouldn't have let me leave on my own.

"I'm sorry Jc." I whispered to myself and he didn't hear me, what I was going for.

When we pulled in he helped me carry my bags and I hugged him really tight.

"Babe what's this for?" He chuckled.

"Tomorrow's not promised. I love you Jc." I almost began to cry but stopped myself before he could see.

After these two days, I'll be leaving to walk on my own on busy roads, and ghetto neighbor hoods to find my mom and dads house. It's where I have to go.

"I love you more. I won't ever let anything or anyone hurt you." He put his arm a around me.

But that's only when he's around.
But what happens when he isn't?

The babysitter// Jc caylen Where stories live. Discover now