The guards on the other ship proceed to lower the walk plank to Zuko's ship. Lillian felt the ship come to stop, "UGH! What now! Can't a princess get some sleep?"Lillian groaned as she rolled out of bed. Lillian made her way up to the control room but before entering she over heard a man talking to the crew, "The hunt for the Avatar has been given prime importance.  All information regarding the Avatar must be reported directly to Admiral Zhao. " Lillian stumbled into the room startling everyone inside, "Zhao got a promotion? Again?"Lillian slurred as she held her head. Iroh rushed over to Lillian and tried to escort her out of the room but she danced side to side dodging Iroh and spun until she was beside Zuko, "Next time Uncle slow!"Lillian said as she stuck out her tongue. The rest of the men in the room gave her an odd look before taking their attention back to Zuko, "I've got nothing to report to Zhao. Now get off my ship and let us pass."he said sullenly. The guard took a step forward closer to Zuko which caused Lillian to step in front of Zuko, "Admiral Zhao is not allowing ships in or out of this area." The guard said in a cocky attitude. Lillian could feel the heat radiating off of Zuko from behind her, "Did you not hear him? Get off this ship or I'll throw you off!"Lillian growled, the guard took a defensive stance, "Are you threatening me?" he said in a low tone. Lillian turned and gave a small devious smile to Zuko. Zuko's eyes widened in shock but before he could do anything Lillian had the guard over her shoulders, "What a lovely day for a swim!"She sang as she walked to the edge of the ship, "PUT ME DOWN!" yelled the guard. Lillian had no expression on her face when she shrugged her shoulders and dropped the guard in the ocean. Lillian proceeded to dust her hands off as if she just took out the trash. She turned to find Zuko standing with his arms crossed shaking his head disapprovingly, "What? He told me to put him down, so... I did. He didn't specify where!"Lillian said as she held her hands up. Zuko had a small smile, "Your oddly strong for a girl, you know that?"Zuko said as she walked beside him, "I work out."Lillian said with a shrug. Lillian began to giggle uncontrollably while taking small glances at the ocean "hehe your too funny!"Lillian whispered, Zuko gave her a concerned look. Lillian stopped giggling immediately, "Shhhh! Firelord Zuko is watching us!"Lillian whispered over her shoulder. Zuko had a confused look on his face, "Okay Lilly, time for bed."Zuko said as he grabbed her arm and led her to her room.

Once inside Lillian's room Zuko laid her back to bed, "I'm going out tonight"Zuko said softly to Lillian, "I need to find some information about the Avatar."Zuko finished as he lit some of her candles. Lillian hid under her covers and spoke, "Zuko... I don't feel so good... Will you please stay with me for a few minutes?"Lillian pleaded as she got comfy. Zuko rolled his eyes, "I can't... I need to go." Lillian's eyes widened in shock, "ZUKO!!!! YOU'RE ON FIRE!!!" Lillian yelled as she threw her blankets over him and shoved him to the floor, "STOP! DROP! AND ROLL!!!!" Lillian ordered as she laid on to of him. Zuko lifted his head out of the blanket, "Lillian! I am Not on FIRE!"Zuko growled. Lillian gave him a confused look, "Oh right... your just hot."Lillian said with a shrug of the shoulder. Zuko was starting to get really annoyed with her illness but before he could say anything Iroh walked in with a bowl and cup of tea. Zuko held his nose from the stench of the bowl, "What is that!"Zuko gagged as Iroh held the bowl closer, "This is my last remedy to try and help Lillian. It's not the best tasting-"Iroh was interrupted by Lillian snickering, "Kasai is so funny! Don't you agree Uncle?". Iroh looked at Zuko again, "But hopefully it is more effective."Iroh finished. Zuko nodded his head, "Just get her well. I don't know how much longer I can handle this.... uh... illness." Iroh smile at him, "Whatever you say Firelord Zuko." Zuko growled before storming out of Lillian's room to his own. Iroh sat beside Lillian and fed her the remedy and within a few minutes she collapsed into the bed, "I hope this recipe you gave me works my dear..."Iroh said with a worried tone as he brushed aside one of Lillian's stray hairs.

Lillian felt her mind being pulled into her dreams ever so slowly...

"Again!" Scarlet's voice ordered as Lillian completed her fire tornado. Lillian tried to catch her breath before regaining her stance. She stood with her feet apart and began to spin slowly in a circle. Flames started to form at her feet and some escaped from her hands. Once Lillian had enough power she expanded the ring of fire at her feet and raised the flames until they were above her head, "Now!"Scarlet's voice yelled as all the other Tenshi's proceeded to bend their elements into the fire tornado, "As you can see class. No matter what your element is, you must be able to with stand all four elements!" Scarlet instructed as she walked past some of the students, "Princess Lillian is able to protect herself in this Fire tornado and to gain strength for her next attack."Lillian began to expand the fire further and further away from her body, "Now Lillian!"Scarlet barked, at her order Lillian released all her strength into a fire blast causing all the students to be knocked over. Lillian fell to her knees but regained herself quickly as Scarlet approached her, "I look forward to your reports on Elemental defense tomorrow morning, class dismissed!"Scarlet said with a smile. Lillian watch all the other students leave as she stood beside her grandmother, "Well done my dear! Your almost a master!"Scarlet said as she roped her arm around Lillian's shoulder. Lillian gave her grandmother a toothy grin, "It was fun showing the students how to do the form, but next time... Let's not do all 5 classes in one day!" Lillian complained as she wiped the sweat from her head. Scarlet smirked which allowed all her wrinkles to dance together, "A princess never complains!" Scarlet said as she smacked Lillian over the head. Lillian blew a small flame out of her mouth at her grandmother, "Whatever Gran..." Scarlet bent the flame away before snickering at her granddaughter.

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