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The great room doors open, and a sea of white meets my gaze. The stormtroopers make a simple two moves, turning their backs facing my gaze to the side, then stepping back collectively. The wave of lifeless followers breaks, allowing me a clear path down the center where my throne sits. Standing directly in front of it, is the man that has the ability to end my life right here.

Choking back the pit of fear, I let out a breath before moving forward. Raising my head ever so slightly, I strut gracefully down the empty aisle. This is my kingdom. The crown on my head glitters beneath the chandeliers, light bouncing off every set of armor that I pass. The tulle that touches the floor makes the only noise within the room, though I can feel some of the men's gaze follow me as well. Hands by my side, I glide up the three steps that hold the devil himself. The stormtroopers behind me make the same collective moves, and I don't have to turn around to know the walkway has now vanished.

My steps slow, and I stop directly in front of their leader. Very little space lies between us, my chest brushing against his. Breathing no longer is my friend, as all the air leaves my lungs. One of my hands shrink back as it comes in close contact with his arm. The black robes adorning his body seem to take some of the light within the room and I find everything else within my line of sight disappear. The material appears to stretch against his large frame, lean muscles practically begging to break through. All I can see is him. Craning my neck, my gaze meets a thick layer of silver and black metal. He breathes quietly, the mask projecting it. Fear has subsided, replaced with the confidence that I carry before him. In one swift motion, he steps aside, allowing me access to my throne.

My contact with the eyeless mask doesn't break as I take my seat. He has the decency to step down a single stair, moving directly in front of me. Silence ensues for the longest time, but I refuse to let him see my tension or feel my continuously rapid heartbeat.

"You ignored our call," He finally states, and his voice is different than I imagined. The mask allows it to be different than I'm sure what it actually sounds like, but the gravelly calm tone is equally as terrifying.

"I take priority with my people before anything else," I carefully word, making sure not to elicit anger.

"Your father knew how to balance both."

"My father was a man who tried to play both fields and still be a great ruler. Look where that got him." My confidence rises, and I stand from the padded chair. "What is it that you want?"

"If you had listened to our message, you would know that I am using this place as a temporary home while the main ship is on an alternate mission."

"That is a load of crap. You will not use Liberta for your own expense."

"You will be careful to speak to the Commander in that tone," A general threatens, but I take it with a grain of salt.

"No, it's fine," He reassures. "She is the Princess after all."

"Damn right I am," I state proudly. "And I will not allow you to use my land for your demonic actions and evil mannerisms. We have no quarrel with the First Order but I will create one if you continue to lie to me."

At the statement, he steps forward, closing the space between us so that this time we are actually pressed against one another. My breath hitches once more as a gloved hand reaches up to trace the fabric on my shoulder.

"You know, I always get what I want," He lowly states while his fingers follow the pattern down my forearm. Shivering beneath the touch, my unsoiled arm reaches to stop his as it lightly touches my waist.

"Well there's a first for everything," I reply, guiding his hand back to his side.

"I'm afraid you don't have a choice. Comply, or I send my men to kill everyone in the room next to us."

Before I can refrain myself from challenging the darkest man in the galaxy, the words leave my mouth helplessly. "I'd like to see you try."

Turning around, his cape fans my dress and he steps closer to the stormtroopers. My heart feels like bursting, but I watch for what's next.

"You heard her. Murder them all."

The fighters take their first step to exit, but the power within my chest gives me the confidence that nothing bad will happen. Not as long as I'm alive enough to utter a single spell. Their in rhythm moves fill the hall with sound, but it all drowns out as I wrack my brain for a way to stop this.

"Movimento battuta d'arresto!" I finally proclaim, seemingly louder than all the ruckus combined. Both my hands raise from my side, stopping in front of the two groups before me. As they all try to take another move, every single body in the room freezes. Except for him, but of course, he does have the Force. He turns around, and even beneath the mask, a smirk creeps on my face from his obvious shock. "You will not be doing anything."

"You do not have the Force... how are you doing this?" He commands, running up in front of me.

"Here in Liberta, the only way to take the throne is by having Magia. A force different from yours, but equally as strong, and with more surprises."

"Magia?" The italian word appears foreign on his tongue, but he is smart enough to translate. "Magic. Well, didn't I underestimate you."

"Don't make that mistake again," I state, my hands lowering but the men still frozen.

"Let us stay."

"Why would I do that?"

"Because while you may have power on this planet, it only goes so far. And I can kill every neighboring planet with the snap of my fingers. How would you like to know that you had the power to stop the death of millions."

"You're goal is to kill anyone anyways."

"But if you comply, I'll at least delay it."

"You know, I never anticipated my deal with the devil being so early in my rule."

"There's a first for everything," He repeats my phrase, and despite the tense situation, I actually choke back a laugh.

"Understand that while you are here, your men will not kill any of my people. They will not abuse anything or anyone, and they are to act with the utmost respect to me and them. As far as they're concerned they are now under my rule. You will not do anything to my people, because I can and will tear you apart Kylo Ren. I may be nicer than my father, but I am far more ruthless."

"I'm counting on it, Princess Lanae. Now if you don't mind unfreezing my men, they can return to quarters for the evening. That is, unless you'd like them to join the party?"

"Get out of here," I finally state. The muscles beneath his cloak tense, then relax almost immediately after.

"You aren't exactly one for warm welcomes, are you?"

When the Dark Calls|Kylo Ren Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon