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A red luminescent light is the only source that keeps me from being blind. A stark black bridge is in the middle of the room, connecting both platforms. Even my breath seems to echo in here, but in a way that's extremely stiff and alarming. Looking down on the bridge, I notice that Kylo is standing there, facing a man that I can't clearly see. Despite the eerie stillness, I can't hear what is being said either, and I lean over the railing to hear them. Kylo then looks up, his eyes searing into me. A red flame from his lightsaber appears, pointing directly at me, it becoming closer and brighter...

"Wake up," Kylo demands, throwing the covers off of me so that I'm basked in the cold. The white light burns my eyes compared to the red, giving me a moment of throbbing pain. I sit upright, looking at him in fright, until he registers it's not the abrupt awakening that disturbs me. "What is it?"

"Nothing... Just a dream," I reply, shaking my head and rising from the bed. What appeared so vivid in my mind I try to shove aside, focusing instead on fully waking up. I notice that a chair has been pulled up beside the bed, a thin blanket and some wrinkled cushions padding it. "You didn't sleep on that, did you?"

"I couldn't sleep much anyways."

"Gosh, I'm so sorry. I tried to tell you that sleeping with me wasn't the brightest idea."

"Well I wasn't about to let royalty sleep on the floor. Besides you gave me fair warning about stealing the covers so I knew what I was getting into," He faintly chuckles, handing me a set of clothes so I don't have to haul around a dress all day.

"How long did you last?"

"Just about an hour. You tend to get quite rough in your sleep." His teasing causes me to laugh a little, dissolving the embarrassment.

"Are we ever going to get another bed in here?" I inquire, thinking back to last night's awkward realization that we'd have to share. It had resulted in my sitting on the ground for two hours stubbornly, before Kylo finally used the Force on me to get his way.

"We should. But the First Order's main focus, oddly enough, isn't tending to the needs of a princess. Now hurry up, I'll be taking you on a little adventure."


"So this is the man?" I turn to FN, who is working the controls in an operation room.

"Yes ma'am, or at least the information the Commander gave me to find him. If all goes according to plan, we should find him within the month."

Despite the impressive pace that this is going, the confirmation doesn't make me ecstatic. Instead, it creates a little bit of nerves and anxiety in the pit of my stomach. If we can't find this man, or if I can't harness Magia to the level that is required, then that means this all would've been for nothing. Which means I would fail my people.

"FN-2187 you are needed by Captain Phasma for a Stormtrooper check in," Hux interrupts us, clearly not minding it. "Oh, is that another suitor for you to turn down?"

"Is that a badge that states your leadership ability or your talent to suck up until you reach the top?" I retort, glaring him down. FN snickers slightly, which boosts my confidence. I've heard that while they are all terrified of Kylo, they use choice words about Hux behind his back. But he looks over to my new friend, and with a quick grab of his helmet, FN shoots me an apologetic look before rushing out of the room.

"So what are you researching him for?"

"Like it's any of your business."

"Well, seeing as I do have status on here, yet it is."

"Oddly enough, that means nothing to me. This is between Kylo and I."

"So you two are on a first name basis? Who knew such an immature, violent little brat had enough in his heart to do such," Hux snickers.

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