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The room is dark, a red light above shimmering down slightly. In front of me, only a few feet away is Kylo. He is looking directly at me, his eyes mixed with fear and anger. I open my mouth to speak, but nothing comes out at all. His face is covered in a layer of sweat, and the curls on his head fall messily in his face. The lightsaber in his hand comes to life, only this time it's thrust into my side...

My eyes burst open and I sit up in bed from the dream. I can feel the stabbing pain from where the saber had entered, and look down to lift up my shirt. Kylo's hand is placed gently on top of my stomach, preventing me from doing so. He shifts in bed so that his head is in my direction, and with a soft touch, I'm placed back down under the warm sheets.

"What's wrong?" He mumbles, not even opening an eye.

"Just a bad dream is all," I reply, placing my head back into the pillow and sighing. It seemed so real. At this, his other hand rubs at his face so he becomes fully awake.

"You seem to have had those more often now."

"It's always the same one. I wonder why."

Kylo props himself up on one elbow, bending his neck down so he is directly on top of me. The morning daze still graces his face, making it clear he isn't fully in touch with being awake yet. We haven't clearly established what we consider each other, but we both have become each other's outlets. It's something I didn't know I ever wanted, yet have now realized I always needed.

"Today's the day," He states, and I nod mutely.

"I'm scared."

"Don't be," Kylo laughs. "I'll be by your side this entire time, and no one is more ready than you are."

"Failing just isn't an option," I reply, moving under his grasp so I can get ready. A dress hangs on the bathroom door, and I push it closed to change out of the pajamas. Today we meet the man that can make or break my becoming Queen of Liberta. Kylo has been trying to reassure me for days now, but it hasn't helped even a bit.

Walking out of the room, he is already dressed. The helmet is by his side and he's sitting patiently on the edge of the bed. The Force doesn't need to be used on me anymore, because the connection of our power has grown stronger. Using that, he pulls me over to sit beside him, placing a reassuring hand on my back. We still have no idea what it means, or why it even exists. But until then there's no point in not messing around with the power.

The physical contact has been extremely limited, this is about as risque as it gets. Sometimes, when the connection is unnaturally strong, I can read his thoughts clearly too. It's always a struggle in his mind, to open up or remain caged off. Whether to kiss me again or not. Kylo has been a little odd about it lately, simply because he's spent more years of his life without it than with. And he still is as frightening as ever once we leave this room, but I like to think I am beginning to get to him.

"We have to go, the ship is landing," He breaks the comfortable silence. Standing up slowly, I watch as he puts his mask on and attaches the lightsaber to his side. A gloved hand lifts up to my face, brushing a strand of hair beside before he leads me out of the room and onto the smaller ship for landing.


"Behold Desolata in all it's glory," Kylo sarcastically remarks as we stare at a barren wasteland. A small village is in the center, much smaller than any other I had seen throughout my short voyage in space.

"Let's go then," I reply, picking up the bottom of my dress to keep as much sand off of it as possible. The Stormtroopers remain by the travel ship, leaving just the two of us to walk towards what I hope holds my future.

When the Dark Calls|Kylo Ren Where stories live. Discover now