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"After the storm miss, our farm was ruined. The crops have died and the soil is too damaged for repair in time for the spring season," The farmer removes his straw hat, placing it over his chest and glances up at me with pleading eyes. "Is there anything you can do?"

    "Of course," I reply, glancing between the three children that stand by his side. "Go down to the royal greenhouse and ask one of the ladies for seeds that you need. I will ask one of the gardeners to replace the soil for you and while that is in progress you may take what you need from the plants available."

    "Thank you, your highness," The man gratefully replies, placing his hat back on as his children jump with excitement and tackle him in a hug. Smiling gently, I wave goodbye and watch as the last of the people who have already been tended to leave the great room.

    Standing up from the throne, I sigh as my hands smooth out imaginary wrinkles in the ivory dress, and turn to my handmaiden, Aeliana. She gives me a positive thumbs up, before gesturing me to follow back to the bedroom. Staring at the now empty floor, I nod slightly and step down the small stairs.

Walking down the castle halls, there isn't a moment of silence, something that has always brought me great joy. Maids and cooks chatter excitedly over the latest gossip. Guards wave kindly at both me and the other ladies. Some stop to say hello, flashing a smile and a small nod instead of a bow. It was the first command I made when I took the throne, that everyone within the palace walls would be treated as individuals instead of beneath me.

"Would you like the silk dress or embroidered velvet for tonight's ball?" Aeliana asks as I sit in front of the mirror and she begins to rifle through my closet.

"Surprise me," I reply, already getting out of the tight ensemble that was currently cutting off precious air. She steps out, material in hand and laughs at my desperate attempt to unlace the corsage.

"Miss, you do know my duty is to do that for you? If you knew how I would be out of a job."

"But I can handle myself!" I pout, groaning and allowing her to untangle the mess I had created. Her hands work much more quickly and smooth than mine did, and within an instant, the dress pooled around my feet, allowing me to let out a sigh of relief. Aeliana moves to put it back up, but I stop her. Waving my hand gently, the fabrice rises and then stills in the air before us both.

"Scostare," The italian phrase rolls of my tongue, causing the dress to move suddenly. It floats over to the closet and hangs itself on a rack before going still once more. I smile over at Aeliana, who laughs once more and shakes her head.

"You use your ability for such trivial manners."

"Well, I have to master it somehow." She nods in agreement, pulling a form fitting lace gown up around my body. The trumpet sleeves are completely sheer, as is the corset, leaving many things to the imagination. But the lower half of the dress flows out into a gorgeous lace and tulle skirt, layering itself like the waves.

"I figured neither of what I suggested would hold up to what I envisioned for you tonight," She says, tying a glittering belt around my waist. Standing back, I take in the dress and smile widely.

"Thank you, it's perfect."

"Well, you will have many eligible men pining for your attention this evening, so I thought you should look like a goddess when you turn them down."

"You know me all too well," I chuckle. "But there is a chance I could finally meet the guy tonight."

"I doubt that. The man you want simply isn't found in pompous kings and princes who do nothing more than pick a wife and move along to their mistresses."

"Aeliana, go get dressed for tonight," I shoo, urging her out of the room so as not to respond to her truthful phrase. She abides, closing the door after so I'm basked in unnatural silence.

Turning around to the balcony, the two suns set low in the evening sky. Carriages, horses and people simply walking are already passing the castle gates, dressed in the absolute finest. While they all have grins adorning their faces, I sigh and prepare mentally for the long night ahead.


"Thank you, princess," The ten year old prince exclaims, bowing as the song ends. Stifling a chuckle, I bend down to hug him before he runs off. The evening is in full swing, most haven't stopped dancing since the music began hours ago. Since then, many people have asked for my hand in a dance, and only a few have actually gotten that shot.

Moving over to the alcohol stand, Etian hands me the drink I've routinely gone for all night. Smiling gratefully, I watch him as his eyes slide back over to a chipper Aeliana. She's currently chattering away with other maids, fanning herself from the previous dance. Pulling the glass away from my lips, I smirk lightly and set it down momentarily.

"Why don't you go over and talk to her?"

"She looks lovely tonight," He smiles as if in a daze before looking back to me. "But I am the only one left to tend the station."

"Etian, stop making excuses and dance with her. I can take care of it for awhile."

"But you're the princess?"

"Yes but I'm not a dictator," I laugh. "My people's happiness is much more important. And as far as I'm concerned, you are still under my rule. Now go to Aeliana." Sighing, Etian nods, smoothing out the attire before walking shakily over to his love interest. Giggling, I move behind the table and admire the fact that people actually enjoy the evening.

When my father ruled, it wasn't so much with an iron fist as it was just a bore. Class status was extremely important to him, and balls such as this were never held. Overall, the land of Liberta engaged in wars and was as pompous as any other planet. It hadn't helped that he was an open supporter or the First Order, though never put our country on the line for them. Since his stepping down, I've made sure to change everything he had done.

"Malady," A guard interrupts my thoughts, a frantic tone in his voice.

"What is it?"

"Well, you know the call we had gotten weeks prior from the First Order?" My gay attitude towards watching my people withers, and I pull him closer to me.

"Yes, I remember all too well. What has happened?"

"The ship... um a ship, your Majesty. Has landed here. We tried to tell them... but the storm troopers-"

"Did they hurt anyone?" I urge, fearing a mass murder could take place at any moment.

"No. Not yet at least. But they said they needed to see you. They're all in the great room right now."

"How many?"

"Two-hundred, easily. But your Majesty, he is with them." The guard needn't say anymore, and a low gasp escapes from my mouth.

"Go. Make sure the security is tightened, and no one is allowed in or out of that room. No matter what," I command, and he nods before scurrying back into position.

Sweat forms in light layers around my body, and I'm grateful Aeliana chose such a breathable dress. Looking around the room, everyone is cheering and having the time of their lives. Not knowing that the most dangerous beings in the entire galaxy await in just the room over. My heart begins racing, my grasp on the wine glass slips, and the maroon liquid spreads out onto the white linen.

But that's the least of my worries. He has more numbers, more power, and more force. Whatever they are here for cannot be good. All I know is that I can't allow any of my people to be hurt. That thought alone makes me the smallest bit braver, and my posture straightens as I quickly exit the ballroom. Whatever happens, I refuse to let any of them harm my land.

When the Dark Calls|Kylo Ren Where stories live. Discover now