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"Ren, we need to leave now if we want to make short work of the Resistance and continue the mission," Hux walks in, for once easing the situation instead of causing the tension. Kylo and I haven't talked since the quite confusing heart-to-heart, but neither of us have made a move to discuss it or just move on.

Instead, its resulted in my staying up late at night to try and catch him, but he avoids the room until he is positive I am asleep. I can never tell if he's in the bed with me or on the chair, because whenever I wake up he has vanished. A set of clothes and breakfast is always laid out though, which makes me feel guilty about not trying harder.

"Of course, General. Let's go then," He replies, grabbing the saber from a shelf. When we camped on Blather for the night, someone got ahold of the Resistance and told them a small ship was here to look for Skywalker's map. I had asked FN why we had to try and fight anyways, to which he laughed and guessed that I was still a part of the light like so many others. Apparently it's to send a message that the First Order truly is the most powerful in the galaxy.

"Kylo?" I call as he begins to walk out the door without so much as a nod to me. Even now he keeps his mouth closed, instead turning his head to face me. I really do dislike that mask of his. "Be careful."

The goodbye phrase was meant to be more of encouragement to make sure he doesn't hurt himself while lashing out at a Resistance member, but the tone came off as more pleading instead. It causes him to pause a moment longer, before Hux shouts at him to hurry along. But as the door closes and I can hear him walk away, the Force and it's throbbing pain enters my skull.

"I will."


Because the travel ship was so empty, I never bothered with leaving the temporary room. It is still bigger than what I'm used to, and with my luck I'll somehow end up getting lost or worse. So instead I had opened the small window, allowing me a view of the fight below.

It isn't much of a battle though, and I feel slight remorse for the bitter defeat that the Resistance will hear of. FN is out there too, and I keep particular tabs on the fact that he always manages to miss his shot. Not by a wide margin, close enough that terrifies the people and has Kylo or the others not question it. I believe there may be more to him, but I'm not sure if he'd ever even talk to me about such.

Kylo however, shows off his true colors on the field. No one can even come near him before they are ripped to shreds. Ever since meeting him, I've had trouble defining the line of good and bad. It was always easy when my father was in the picture, but now I realize Kylo's words about the grey margin ring true. Watching through the small porthole, I've never been more enamored watching something so destructive. He does it in such a manner of grace and swiftness that is incomparable to the others out there, and I don't doubt that he knows it too.

Yet watching all of the people fighting for what they believe in die without so much as stepping a foot near any of the Stormtroopers is slightly heartbreaking. The Resistance fights because their lives depend on it, but the First Order fights to keep their reign over myriads of people. The fight ends, around two hundred bodies lying on the sand, a small percentage being Stormtroopers. I can see Kylo turn back towards the ship. Not even batting an eye to the death so close behind him. But I suppose someone can become immune to the very thing they do, until it becomes mere instinct and there is no second guessing.

Moments later and Kylo walks in, surprisingly followed by FN. He respectively keeps his helmet on whenever his Commander is around, though I'm sure fear is a bigger factor. The ride back to the First Order main ship is a quick one, almost all of three minutes. Kylo walks ahead of us to his room, and the two of us have to rush to keep up. I feel bad for FN slightly, I'm sure walking a mile a minute doesn't help after the exhausting fight. But we reach the Commander chambers, absolutely no one in sight.

When the Dark Calls|Kylo Ren Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon