Manic X Abused!Reader (@candyheart101)

Start from the beginning

Having already checked with my mum, I packed some sweets to surprise (Y/N), making sure to pack her favourite. Smiling with myself, I picked up my bag and walked out of the house. I glanced at my phone, checking the time.

7:57pm, okay. Putting my phone back I sighed, I felt bad for hanging up on (Y/N). The truth is... I love her. Not like a crush, either. And she really sounded upset, so I want to make her happy again. I need to surprise her, even though she said I shouldn't.

Sighing, I started walking, before grabbing my hover board and flying from home. Thankfully her home was close by. Spotting the white house that (Y/N) lived in, I landed, hiding my board in a bush and running up to the front door.

I was about to knock on the door when I heard yelling. Tilting my head, I stepped back from the door and looked into the window close by. My eyes landing on the (f/c) (f/a), her face a teary mess as her father yelled in her face.

I growled slightly, gripping onto the window sill. Continuing to watch the scene, I saw her father holding a broken glass bottle to her face. She flinched ever so slightly, like he was going to hit her.

Suddenly, he did, over the back of the head. I watched in horror is (Y/N) fell forward with a yelp, tears falling from her eyes. He then proceeded to grab her by the hair and pull her back to her feet. She was sobbing, covering her face as he continued to yell.

My ears twitched, trying to hear what he was saying.

Thankfully his voice was loud...

"You are the most ungrateful, disrespectful, piece of crap to ever walk this earth!" He yelled, "Can't even pass me a beer without finding a way to make a mess!"

My growl deepened as he stood, dropping the glass so it shattered on the floor, "Clean up this mess, you useless lifeform..."

Her father then stormed out of the room, "Why did you of all people have to survive?"

My gaze shifted back to the (f/a), who's knees buckled as she fell in the glassy puddle, sniffing and wiping her face as she picked up the broken glass...

Piece by tiny piece...

Dropping my bag, I ran inside, not bothering to knock, or close the door. I knelt next to the (f/a) and pulled her into my chest. (Y/N) gripped at my vest as she sobbed, pressing her shaking form into me. I pat her back and whispered sweet nothing into her twitching ear.


I hope they were sweet.

"M-Manic...? What are you doing here?" She looked up at me, finally realising I was here.

"I came over to cheer you up." I looked down at her, cupping her cheek. She flinched and I frowned.

"I told you not to... I don't know what he'll do if he..." She glanced at the room her father disappeared in, "I-I don't know what he'll do..."

"He won't do anything, don't you worry." I grabbed her hand and pulled her up, "We're leaving, going to the cops, we have to report this."

"N-No, no Manic, I-I can't." She tried pulling from my grip, "He's my dad, I can't get him in trouble."

"But he's hurting you." I growled, "He should not be hurting you, he should not say the things he says, it's abuse (Y/N) and I'm going to save you." Without thinking, I pressed my lips to her forehead. She froze under me, and I heard a small gasp.

Pulling back, I saw her cheeks as turned a light pink, "Now lets go."

The (f/a) stumbled after me, out through the open door. Grabbing my bag quickly, I ran over to the bushes and jumped on my hover board.

"Come on." I wrapped my arm around (Y/N) and flew off, her father's voice bellowing in the background.

"(Y/N)!!!" We both glanced over our shoulders to see her father run out of the house, stopping in his front yard. I felt (Y/N) wrap her arms around my chest and I smiled, feeling her face nuzzle into my back.

A while later, the hover board came to a stop at a park. Since it was night, no one played or walked here. Climbing off the board, I helped (Y/N) down and tucked the board under my arm. We walked in silence for a while, taking in the dark, but beautiful surroundings. Finding a bench, we sat down.

"So... How much did you see?" The (f/a) rubbed her arm.

"I saw him hit you, pull your hair, and yell..." I mumbled, "How is your head?"

She shrugged, "It's okay now..."

"Is... Is that how you got all your other bruises?"

A sniff at my side made me turn my head, and I saw her nodding, before she wrapped her arms around me. The (f/a) sobbed into my chest again, and I pat her back. We stayed like that for a while, before I grabbed something from my bag.

"Chocolate?" I asked, holding a block of (f/c).

She smiled slightly, sniffing as she took the chocolate and started nibbling on it. I chuckled and watched her, she was so cute. After having a few pieces of the chocolate, she looked up at me, smiling brightly this time.

"So, feeling better?" I asked.

"Yep." She smiled, her (f/a) tail wagging, "Now I have to ask, why did you kiss me before?"

I saw her cheeks turn pink again and I too blushed, "Oh uh... I slipt?"

"How can someone 'slip' a kiss?" She raised a brow.

"Uh..." I sighed, "Look (Y/N) I didn't mean to..."

"O-Oh..." Her ears fell and she looked down.

"But that doesn't mean I didn't want to! I-I mean..." Rubbing the back of my head, I used my free hand to lift her chin, looking into her (e/c) eyes, "I like you okay? A-And... Not just like, like love you..."

Her cheeks turned dark red and she launched forward, wrapping her arms around my neck. My eyes widened as she pressed her lips against my own. Blushing darkly, I closed my eyes and kissed back, holding her tightly.

"Where am I going to stay...?" She finally asked, pulling away.

"Well... You could stay with me." I smiled.

She giggled and kissed my cheek, "Sounds perfect..."


And a small note guys. 

I'm not going to do the one-shots in order. I will go through and which ever one I feel more motivated to write, I will write first. Do not worry, I will get to writing everyone's, I just need to tell you guys that it won't be in order of who asks. (so if you asked first, your one-shot will probably not be done first, I'm terribly sorry) I say this because I don't want you guys feeling like I'm favouring people... Because I'm not.

P.S. I'm going to add this and my rules (which I forgot to apply) to the request page. please keep an eye on it, as it may also change from open to closed.

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