Chapter 6

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Adam's P.O.V

Yesterday when Lucas got called to the office he didn't come back for the rest of the day.

I wish I would have talked with him yesterday, but I was to busy thinking about the guy that broke into our house.

Who hates us so much that they would break into our house?

That's the question of the day.

Right now we were all at home.

Anthony was in the living room listening to music.

James and Mason were playing Call of Duty Infinite Warfare.

Billy was still at work.

Mom was still at work.

That just leaves me. I was just bored out of my mind.

I didn't want to play games or watch tv.

I knew I wasn't hungry, because I had just made a sandwich.

I just feel like I needed someone to talk to. Not Anthony though. We are always with each other 24/7.

I want to talk to Lucas, but after yesterday I don't think that's best.

We didn't do anything to him physically, but all of us pretty much ignored him.

During first period I'm pretty sure, all of us just kept to our selves.

Maybe if I go over to his house, I could explain all of our behaviors, but then again would you want to talk to someone who basically gave you the cold shoulder all day.

I've made up my mind.

I texted Billy and said I would be at a friend's house.

I told Ant (short for Anthony) also. So he wouldn't worry about where I would be.

At first he was against me going, but then I explained why and he said he probably should go to.

"All of us should go. It's not just two people, it's all four of us." I said to Ant.

"True, but do you really feel like explaining to those two why we need to go. I mean I trust you and all Adam, but I personally don't like the idea of them coming." Ant said shaking his head.

I sighed.

James and Mason don't really talk to us, and the one time they did try we completely shut them out.

"Yeah but I honestly think we could try a little harder with commincating with them also. I mean they did try, but we shut them out."

I thought about it before finally saying 'fine'.

"But the first time they screw up. I'm done with them."

"Fair enough."

We walked towards the game room, and knocked on the door.

"It's open!"

We walked in and saw them playing 2k15 on the PS3.

"Hey can you two Paise the game real quick. We need to talk to you guys." I said.

They paused the game and turned around.

"What's up?"

"Us four need to go to Lucas's house. Yesterday all of us were being selfish. We ignored him like he had the plague." I explained.

James and Mason looked at each other before looking back at us.

"We didn't ignore him. We were just thinking about everything that happened when that man broke into our house." Mason said.

"Yeah that's called being selfish. I'm the one who had to fight him, and even I admit to being selfish and suggest we go. Lucas is to nice of a person to be mistreated the way we did." Anthony said.

"Well I'm not going." James said sitting back down.

"Yeah me neither. I don't think thinking about your own safety is being selfish." Mason said sitting down and continuing the game.

"Why are you guys so mean! Everytime I try to be nice, or do something nice for someone you two either are just mean about it or you just try to ruin it. Well guess what I'm sick of you two thinking you can just prance around here like your gods. One way or another I'm going to take you both down and when I do, your going to wish that you were never mean in the first place." Anthony said every word dripping with venom.

"What's going on in here?"

The door opened to reveal a confused Billy.

"Nothing we were just leaving. Come on Ant." I said pulling him out of the game room and out of the house.

We walked to the car, that finally was fixed yesterday, and got in.

I just sat there thinking about everything that happened.


"Don't......I'm not going to Luke's house in a bad mood. You need to learn how to control your anger." I said sighing and starting the car.

"I know. Mr. Hayes thinks it's caused by something from the past, and I think we both know what he's talking about. Do you know the address to his house?"

"I know and if rather not relive that moment, and yeah but put it in the GPS to make sure."


He put the address in the GPS.

I backed up the car and drove off to his house.

*at Lucas's house*

I parked the car in the driveway and got out of the car.

I walked to the door and knocked.

No one answered.

"He's not here." I said getting back in the car.

"I wonder where-

*gun shot sound*

We looked around frantically.

I noticed someone walking towards our car from a bush.

"Reverse! Reverse!"

I pulled it in reverse and drove off quickly.

As we were driving a police officer pulled behind us and turned on his lights.

We pulled over and rolled down the window.

The officer came to my side.

"What's your name?"

"Adam Walker."

"I am officer Dylan. Where were you headed that you were going 30 miles per hour over the limit?"

"I was driving from a friend's house when I heard gun shots."

"Gun shots? Where exactly does this friend live?"

"Nixon Street."

"Nixon Street? You wouldn't so happen to be talking about a white and blue house with a mailbox with hand prints on it."

"Yeah, how did you know?"

"Follow me." He said walking back to his car.

We did as he said and followed him.

When we parked the car we realised that we were at a hospital.

We walked in the hospital and up the steps with him in front of us.

We came to a door on a hallway and knocked.

Someone said come in so we walked in.

What we saw shocked us.

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