Chapter 31

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Ashley's P.O.V

"Alright sign here and your free to go." One of the nurses said to Dylan.

I was finally able to leave this stupid place called a hospital and go home. Well, talk to Lordie first.

I just want to know what his intentions were. I mean Damascus took in Roscoe at a young age, and raised him as his own. He knew everything his brother was doing with and or to him, yet he never stopped him. So why? Why now that his brother had died does he want to too talk with him?

Something fishy is going on, and I'm going to get to the bottom of it.

"Ashley!" Dylan said bringing me back to reality.


"Were you even paying attention?"

I grinned.

"Not one bit."

"Well excuse me then." I said as I watched him roll his eyes and walked away.

"Come on. We got some business to take care of." Roscoe said as he held onto my side and helped me walk.


We turned around to see Samantha running towards us.

"Ashley I meant to give you these earlier but I forgot." She passed me a folder with documents in them.

"Sam what are these?" I asked as I looked through the folder to see pictures of Damascus arrest reports along with some information on Lordie.

"Damascus had a brother who approached you guys named Lordie, right? Well if you need any information its all in there. There's probably some other things that I missed but, that's all I could come up with." She said looking at me with determination.

"Thank you Sam. Really, thank you. Now get back to work. We'll all be fine, and if not....I know a pretty good doctor." I said giving her a wink and a smile before we walked away.

"Be careful!"


We were riding in four cars.

Dylan, Coach, Evan, and Billy in one.

Conner, Jason, and Chase in theirs.

Kendall and Keyontae in theirs.

And of course, Roscoe and I in the other.

It was pure silence in the car. He was driving and I was just sitting in the passenger seat looking out the window, like a 3rd grader, who had just gotten in trouble at school and knows they are about to get it when they get home.

The silence was killing me, though I didn't know what to say. I felt like he was mad at me and trust me I wanted to ask, but I didn't know if I wanted to hear an answer.

"You know I'm not mad at you right." He said as we pulled up to a red light.

I stayed silent not knowing what to say.

"Can you at least look at me?" He asked sincerely.

I didn't want to but I did anyways.

He stared into my eyes searching for something. But what?

"Say something.......please." He said with those bluish green eyes.

I sighed.

"I just thought you were going to be mad at me about calling him, without asking for your permission." I said looking at him at the end.

He stared at my eyes before leaning in and kissing me, the most passionate kiss I've ever received from him.

"I could never be mad at you. Even if I tried I still wouldn't be able to. Don't forget that." He said before kissing my forehead and driving off as the light turned green.

Third person's P.O.V

They pulled into the driveway of Lordie's house and parked on the grass.

Roscoe got out of the car and walked over to Ashley's side and helped her out of the car, before walking towards the girls car as they were getting out.

"You guys ready?" Kendall asked.

"As ready as we'll ever be." Ashley said in response.

They all walked to the front of the door.

As Roscoe was about to knock the door opened up to Lordie.

"Sorry if I scared you all. I heard you pull up......come in, let's go where we can all talk." He said before walking into his house.

They looked at each other worriedly, but reluctantly followed him through the house and into the basement.

It reminded them of the warehouse, with all the black and it being very spacious.

"This is pretty spacious for it to be a basement. It kinda reminds me of the warehouse." Roscoe said narrowing his eyes at Lordie, as they all came to a stand still.

"I know what it looks like, but I promise you I'm not trying to set any of you up." He said reassuringly.

He walked over to a drawer and pulled out a black briefcase.

'Figures'. Jason thought to himself.

He put the briefcase on the table in front of them.

"Damascus wasn't the smartest person in the world. When it came to certain things, he just......didn't understand. But when it came to family, it was like he knew everything. He knew so much on raising a child, and what to do, it was shocking.

He raised me from when I was a baby, till I was old enough to do my own thing. So when I went to college I decided I would give back to him by becoming a lawyer and being his lawyer. That was the least I could do.
Then all of a sudden he tells me about this kid named Roscoe. He took him in and taught him everything he knew about family and protecting himself.

Then about ten years later, three days ago, I hear that my brother has passed away by one of the men you let free. Not only was he shot by one of the most dominant woman in the world, but he bombed himself.

What might be the crazy part was that, I knew what was going to happen before it even happened. By I couldn't stop it or I wouldn't be able to give this message I was asked to give if Damascus, my brother, died." Lordie said finally looking up with a tear rolling down his face, but he quickly wiped it.

"What message?" Dylan asked with concern and anxiousness.

"Damascus wrote a will, stating that when he died he wanted the rest of his money to go to Roscoe."

"What do you mean by the rest of his money?" Ashley asked confused.

There was a long dramatic pause before he answered with a smile.

"Twenty-six million dollars."

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