Chapter 17

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Third person's P.O.V

"Ryder and Rylan. What are you doing in my office? This better be good."

"Of course. We came to tell you that Rosco is rebeling against you." Rylan said.


"Yes sir. He came to us today trying to get us to leave this organization. Saying how awful and cruel it is." Ryder said.

"I gave that boy a place to live and he repays me like this! It seems ive always been soft with him, but that is no more. As of today he is banned from this organization. He shall be killed if found."

"What are you trying to say Master?" Rylan asked.

"Gentlemen it is time for the day that I have prepared you for. We're going to war."

Ashley's P.O.V *next day*

Something is off. I keep looking around, and once again James and Mason are gone. They left when I was shot and they just so happen to not be there when the house was shot up.

If they think they can out smart the master of crimes, then their wrong.

To prove that, yesterday I got in the backseat of their car and followed them to a warehouse.

I heard their whole conversation with, who I'm assuming he's the big dog. They call him Master, but you can't get anything from that. If we could figure out his name, then we might have something.

It was the end of sixth period, so we were in the girls locker room changing clothes.

"Ash you okay?" Kendall asked.

"Yeah you've been out of it all day." Keyontae said.

I looked in their eyes to see worry.

Last time they were worried like this I ended up getting arrested.

"Yeah I'm fine. You guys can go ahead and head to class I'll be there. I need to talk to Coach about something." I responded.

They hesitantly said 'okay' and started walking to class as the bell rung.

I walked to the boys locker room and walked in.

Thankfully there was no one in there.

"Ashley what are you doing in the boys locker room?" He said not looking up from his paperwork.

"I need to talk to you about something."

He looked at me worried and put his pin down.

"What is it?"

"James and Mason are working with the people who attacked us. I also know where their warehouse is located."

"How did you find out this information?"

"I got in the backseat of their car when they left. I heard them talking about someone named Rosco. He apparently is rebeling against him, and supposed to be helping us. I just wonder where he is." I said sighing at the end.

Coach tensed up towards the end of what I was saying.

He knows something.

"You know something that we don't. Don't you?"

He sighed.

"I swear you are going to be the death of me. Yes I know something. Tell everyone to come come by my house immediately after school. Don't tell them what you know yet. Wait till we get at my house."


*that afternoon*

Anthony's P.O.V

Ashley told us all to go to Coach, and Evan's house immediately after school.

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