Chapter 25

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Ashley's P.O.V

He got off the floor and smirked at me.

"Looks like I'm going to have to put you in your place, little girl."

I socked him twice in each side of his face.

"Less talking more fighting."

He growled and rammed me through a wall, making us both free fall to a long fall to the ground.

I groaned before getting up. He did the same before smirking, and wiping the blood off his lip.

I smirked in return.

Let's have some fun.

Roscoe's P.O.V

Mason punched him! Not only did it surprise me and make me proud of him as if I was a proud mother, because he was standing up for himself, but it also made me fearful of what was going to happen next.

James touched his nose slowly and noticed the red liquid, known as blood, dripping from his nose.

He turned towards his brother angrily and punched him square in the face.

As I got up to help Mason I was shot in the leg.

I collapsed to the ground and grimaced at the excruciating pain in my calf muscle.

I rolled on my stomach to see James pummeling Mason.

"Stop it!" I yelled as Mason groaned.

He pulled out his gun and pointed it at Mason. Mason helped his arms in a defensive state.

"Say something else Roscoe, and he's dead."

Holy shit!

Mason's P.O.V

Who would have thought my brother would have  stooped so low as to threaten my life.

I never thought my life would have come to this.

If only I had just listened to Roscoe when he came to school that day, but it's to late for that.

Since he wants to end me now, what's the point in keeping secrets that won't matter if I'm dead.

I started laughing.

He turned his head towards me and getting closer with the gun.

"What's so damn funny?" He asked furiously.

"You know you are something else."

"Last time I checked I was human."

"Last time I checked you were walking around like a lost puppy trying to follow in someone else's footsteps who is turning you into a pyshopath who is either going to get killed or locked up."

He put the gun to my forhead.

"Any last words?"

"Yeah I do." I said sighing."Your friends are pathetic, they don't have your back, the class pet is smarter than all of you combined. Honestly if your going to be this dumb there is no way in hell you're my brother!" I said with venom dropping with every word I said.

His eyes went dark and cold. He started kicking me in the ribs.

"This is what you get for forgetting who your master is! You never disobey him nor me! You are a worthless piece of crap that will never be worth anything in life! I had to work for everything I wanted, unlike you where it was hand given! I can't remember a time when you didn't go running to mom every time something happened, or if I did something to you! Honestly it's sad!"

"That's not true!" I yelled.

I got up and leaned against the wall.

"Do you know what I've gone through for the past four years? No you don't, because you always ignored me when I needed you the most!"

"Oh come one, don't start with that crap! There's nothing that you've done that I haven't heard about already!"

"Exactly! What I've done! But you've never heard what other people have done to me! Your little fake ass friends, that you hang out with everyday, aren't as innocent as you think they are!"

His face went from angry to speechless.

"What are you talking about?" He asked lowely.

"They raped me James! Your friends, not mine but YOURS, RAPED ME!"

Ashley's P.O.V

We were going back and forth between punching each other.

But I was about to make this very one sided.

As he ran off, I chased after him.

"Get back here you coward!"

I noticed he started to run towards a car so I pulled out my gun and shot the tires before he could reach them.

He turned around and shot me in the left arm.

I tore off a piece of my shirt and wrapped it around it before it could get any worse.

We were at a stand off.

He smirked.

"I'd hate for a little lady like you to get hurt any worse than you already are."

"Sweet, but I can hold my own in any fight." I said before shooting at his leg.

He dropped the gun  and fell to the ground, giving me enough time to send a message to Kendall.

He laughed darkly.

"You know I worked so hard to build up this facility, and to think a little girl and her family is going to try and take it all away from me. Think again kid. If I'm going down your going down with me!"

At that moment he opened his vest to see a time bomb for ten seconds left on the clock.

As I was about to run he shot me in the chest.

I cried a yell of pain right before the bomb went off.

Roscoe's P.O.V

A huge explosion went off making parts of the ceiling fall down.

"What's going on?" James asked looking around.

Before I could process what happened, Mason had the gun in his hand and shot his brother in his side and right leg.

He dropped to the ground in pain.

"You bitch!"

"A bitch is a female dog, dogs bark, bark is on trees, trees are apart of nature, and nature is beautiful so thanks for the compliment."

He grabbed him by the collar and walked over towards me.

"Hop on my back."

Just then he spotted something and ran towards it later coming back with a red camero.

He picked his brother up and out him in the back seat, and then doing the same with me, putting me in the front seat.

"You guys won't get away with this." James said.

"Watch me hoe!"

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