The chef walks into the dining room, pushing a cart with Billie's dinner on it, and sets it in front of the dazed girl. Billie eyes the bowl, her stomach making an animalistic sound. "Is my baby hungry", Joker laughs. Billie nods, keeping her eyes trained on the steaming bowl. As always, Joker goes through the routine of feeding Billie and keeping a hand on her exposed stomach as he does. Billie's become somewhat used to it and doesn't mind being fed. But like in her dream, she notices that Joker never really eats. So with a few bites left, she turns her head away from the forkful of alfredo. "Only a few bites left Billie. I know you aren't full. You're the one that refused to eat breakfast and lunch". "It's- you-". Billie can't get the words out so, she sighs and lets the man feed her until the bowl is empty.

Joker leaves the bowl and takes Billie to the living room, laying her against his warm chest. He rubs her stomach in small circles as he watches the surveillance from his night club. Billie rests against him, but soon remembers he's about to do "work" and starts hatching a plan to leave his place once and for all. But that doesn't stop her from enjoying his touch. For once it isn't rough, it's soft and sweet and she can't help but to bask in it. 

The two sit in a peaceful silence until Billie falls asleep. Joker takes a moment to look her over. Her lips are in an accidental pout and Joker is mesmerized by her. "If only you'd break", he murmurs. He moves out from underneath her and lays his jacket over her form. He sighs and turns away, grabbing a knife with a smirk. "With every job there is to be done, there is an element of fun". The man walks to his "office" and smirks at the man they've tied down. "You. You're the one that's been causing all the trouble at my club. Do you want to die"? The man stays quiet and Joker knows this should be fun.

The screams coming from the man are what wakes Billie up. She doesn't know what's going on, but she knows she will be leaving this place. She walks to the balcony, watching her surroundings, and sits on the ledge of it, not really caring about the cold metal. She simply stares out at the city beneath her. Even if she manages to get out of the house she's fenced in and she knows she can't climb it. So she sits and watches for awhile, staring out at nothing. She wouldn't mind this being the last thing she ever sees. She straightens her posture before slipping off. Right as she leaves the bar she was perched on, she's caught. Joker lifts her back to the balcony and frowns. "Why in the hell would you do that? What the hell is wrong with you"? Billie is stunned for the moment. How did he catch her? It wasn't possible. He was no where near her. But she never realized that the man stood behind her the whole time.

Joker can see that Billie's in shock, so he places her on his hips and let's her hide in the crook of his neck. "Since you broke our agreement and I don't have the time to punish you, I'm taking you to work with me". Billie stays silent and tries to register what she did. She could have died. She wanted to. How could she do that to Sebastian? She keeps herself hidden and lets Joker carry her to his "office". 

He sits her in his chair and doesn't miss the small whine she makes. He smirks and walks back to the man that he's been..."taking care of". 

He tried to ruin Joker's club and in return, Joker's gonna ruin his face. He looks the man over before letting out a dangerous cackle. "Now, where did we leave off? Oh yes! I remember. Who sent you and why"? The man doesn't answer so Joker goes to an extreme. "Billie. Come to daddy. Do hurry". Billie walks to him, her head low. He pulls her to his chest and kisses her forehead before turning her to face his captive. He smirks and puts his gun to Billie's head. "You have ten seconds before I blow her brains out". Joker cocks the gun and Billie whimpers. "Five seconds". "Th-Th-The Cops man! They wanted me to shut it down"! "Was that so hard"?

Joker smiles and kisses Billie before pointing his gun at the man. "See you in hell". "Daddy no-"! It's too late. The man already has a hole between his eyes.

Billie gapes and hides in Jokers chest, feeling sick to her stomach.  "You k-killed him". "I had to. He works with the police". Billie chokes on a sob and sniffles. "Were you really going to kill me if he hadn't said anything"?

Joker tenses and frowns. "Look at me". Billie shakes her head and buries herself further in his chest. "Billie-". "Please, just take me out of here". Joker picks her up and walks out of the room, nodding at his goon to clean things up.

When he makes it up to his room, he keeps walking until he reaches the bathroom and sets Billie on the counter top. "Look at me. Please". Billie peers up at him before looking back down.

Frowning, Joker leans her head back and looks her in the eye. "Daddy wouldn't hurt you. Ever. I might punish you from time to time, but I'll never shoot you or stab you. You're my baby. Daddy won't do that again".

Joker gives her a sweet kiss on her head and rubs down her back. "You're my princess". Billie looks up and furrows her brows. "Why me"? "Why not you? You are a gift to the world. You don't belong out there. You need to be kept safe. I can keep you safe". "You threatened to shoot me".

Joker sighs and takes out his gun. "Point it at me". "No". "Do it Billie". His voice has lowered an octave and Billie shivers, taking the gun slowly. "Good girl. Now point it at me". Billie shakes her head and Joker snarls. "Do it". Billie raises the gun to his head and starts to cry. She hates guns and violence. More than anything. "Pull the trigger". "No". "It's okay baby. Pull the trigger". "No. I won't do it". "Billie. You have to do it. Look away and pull the trigger". "Please don't make me". "Do it Billie. Do it. Do it. Do it".

Billie closes her eyes and turns her head. "Pull it". Billie clenches her eyes shut before pulling the trigger, hearing a small click. No loud bang.

She opens her eyes and turns back to him with tear stained cheeks. "What the hell"? "There was only one bullet baby. I wasn't going to hurt you". Billie lets out a sob and holds the gun out. "Get this thing away from me".

Joker takes it and walks to his room, stashing it in his side drawer. He walks back to Billie and rubs down her neck. "Daddy's sorry he scared you". He kisses her head and picks her up, holding her close.

"Please don't do that ever again". "I need you to trust me". Billie sniffles into his neck and tightens herself around him. "I can't". "Then let go of me". "No". "Why not"? Billie lets out a sob and chokes on her own breath. "Please don't let me go".

Joker sighs and and walks her to his room, laying down on the bed with her cuddled into his side. "I won't let you go. But you've got to want me Billie. That's how this works. If you want me I can make you feel good. I want you to feel good". Joker tucks her hair behind her ear and runs his finger down her cheek. "Can you do that for me"?

Billie looks into his pure caribbean eyes and inches closer, their lips almost touching. "I"-

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