Chapter 33: AWKWARD

Start from the beginning

"You don't even know her!"

"I know what's good for you..."

Colin opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out. All talking silenced and the air felt thick. My face started getting hot, and I tensed up. I couldn't move or speak. The walls felt like they were closing in on me and it was a futile effort to fight.

It was a long, slow, agonizing ride to the fair. I don't think anyone felt much like going anymore... at least I know I didn't. I totally understood why Colin's mom would hate me, but I just wished she'd give me a chance.

"Maybe it's best if I go a separate way," I said, forcing words from my mouth.

"That's fine if you want," Con insisted.

I nodded as we pulled up to the entrance, and prepared to get out of the car. The driver let us out in front where we were greeted by security once again. We all purchased tickets and maps from the vendors, then were led inside through the Playland gate. There was so much to see and I began feeling a little bit overwhelmed.

"Lets go to the roller coaster!"

"Which one?"

"No, wait! Giant spinning swing looks better!"

Giant spinning swing???

They were happier than kids in a candy store, yet I was absolutely terrified. Heights really weren't my thing so I was kinda thankful I had an excuse to leave.

"I'll meet you guys back at the car around 1:00," I interrupted

"Ok, fifteen minutes until midnight everyone! We'll be at the big blue rollercoaster!" Reece said, cheerfully grabbing Jen's hand, "Call me if you want to meet up before then—"

"My phone is always free too," Ryan insisted

"Thanks guys," I turned around and walked in the opposite direction they were going in. This was the first year in a long time that I was alone on New Year's Eve. Just as I was about to glance back, someone laid a hand my left shoulder. I spun around quickly, hoping it wasn't paparazzi or some crazed fan.

"Jesus Colin," I said, pulling away from him, "you can't just sneak up on me like that!"

"Sorry," he laughed, "but you're not going to be alone..."

"Colin I'm fine, your family is leaving tomorrow... go be with them, we have plenty of time together—"

"Do we? You were there for me on Christmas and the first day I ever met you... You have never left me out and I'm not going to let you be alone either."

I smiled, "Fine, but what do you mean 'do we?' We have the rest of tonight—"

"So about two hours? Give or take some..."

"Yeah, but we also can hang out tomorrow—"

"How long?" he asked, gazing into my eyes

"I don't know... a couple hours I guess..." I said, awkwardly thinking of a way to change the subject, "lets ride the ferris wheel, since we're already close"

Colin nodded, and we waited in line for the ride. Luckily, we got the last cart. The operator pushed a button on his panel, and the ride began. In  the midst of my swarming emotions, I forgot just how scared I actually was of heights, especially in this ferris wheel. Even though it was slow, there was only a rail keeping us inside, and I didn't like that.

"Colin, stop moving!" I said, my voice raised at least three octaves.

"Calm down, I barely shifted!"

"The back says 'Danger, DO NOT ROCK'" I pointed out, "I don't want to die today"

"Really? Where?" He joked, leaning back in the rickety cab of the ferris wheel, pretending like he didn't already see the giant warning label on the back.

"COLIN!!!" I shouted, grabbing onto him for dear life.

"Aw, ok" He said, cuddling me closer as I buried my head into his shoulder. We were already descending from the top as I raised my head. Colin still held me close, and In the distance there was a countdown to the new year. Only two minutes were left...

"That's not enough," Colin said randomly, speaking out into the night sky, directing his speech to absolutely no one.

"What?" I was officially confused.

He looked down at me with watery eyes.

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