"I don't know what you're talking about Evie. Seriously I don't!" She yells extra loud.

"Really now?" Step, step. "Then what's this??" I can't help myself and take a peak. A woman with black hair is holding up a jacket. My jacket in fact. She stares at Evie wide eyed. "Evie..please..I can explain,"

"Explain what?! That you're a harlot!!" Evie slaps her across the face. It takes everything for me to not jump out and defend her. "I warned you. You are not to have any friends. That includes screwing people!" Evie slaps Elsa again.

She grabs a hold of her chin. "If you thought that your life was hell before," she moves closer to her face. "You haven't seen anything yet." Evie throws her to the ground. "Good bye whore."

Evie leaves slamming the door. As soon as she's gone I run to Elsa as fast as I can. Sliding to my knees I hold her in my arms. Quiet tears are falling from her eyes. "Oh Elsa...I'm so sorry." I rest my head on hers.


"How did you know it was me?" She asks as we sit on the edge of the bed. "Your eyes." I answer softly. Elsa blushes looking away. "How can you stand it? Being treated like the way you are." I ask a bit confused.

She shrugs one shoulder. "I just do." Elsa doesn't elaborate anymore on the statement. "How did you even find me?" She shakes her head. "Doesn't matter right now, you need to get back to Hogwarts before they catch you here." She pushes me from the bed and to the door.

"It's too late. Ice stop it!" I yell putting my feet firmly on the floor. Elsa can't push me anymore. She keeps trying. I expect nothing else. She always refuses to give up. "Els, I said stop." She still doesn't stop. "I've been away from Hogwarts for over three weeks!!"

Suddenly Elsa stops pushing. I look at her. Her expression unbelievable. "What?" She whispers. I put my hands up to try and calm her. "Please, listen-" She slaps me across the face.

"You-..you..egotistical, pompous, moron!" Elsa stumbles out, tears are kept at bay behind her eyes. "Do you realize what you've done??"

"Yes! I took a risk to find you. Bring you home. Convince you to find that courage that I know you have, and face your destiny! You are Rowena's descendent." I whisper closer to her. She pushes me away. "I didn't ask for this! I didn't ask to be her descendent."

"Then face it!" I shout back. She shakes her head at me. "You don't understand." She mumbles walking away.

"You know I would if you would tell me." No answer. Her back is still facing me. "I've looked for you. For weeks. I looked everywhere for you. I didn't sleep, didn't stop, I didn't even eat. All of that, was so I could find you and get answers. Cause last time we met you hardly spoke two sentences to me."

She braces herself against a counter. Several long seconds pass, she rests her head against it falling to her knees. I see her bring one hand to cover her mouth. Possibly to muffle her tears.

"I can't...I can't I can't I can't.." She whispers. Almost as if she's saying that, not to me... but to herself. I take slow steps to her. Her back is shaking. I reach out to her, pull away. I squat down and place my hand on her back.

Elsa lifts her eyes to look at me. They're red, barley able to hold back the tears that are threatening to spill. My head inches forward, then back. This isn't the right time. But maybe...maybe she'll open up if I can kiss her.

I move forward slowly to give her plenty of time to stop me. She doesn't. My lips softly touch hers. They still feel like rose petals. Our lips part with auditable sound. "You always, told me everything." I hold her and bring our heads together. "When Hans threatened you, the painting of Rowena, the voice in the bathroom that day ,when you were attacked for the first time, and the second. Just...everything. Why can't you talk to me now?"

"It's better this way." I run my fingers through her ponytail then take it out. Letting her hair fall, so that I can feel her hair again. "Better how? I miss you Els." We kiss again. Longer this time. Yet still too short.

"...and that's why you need to forget that you found me." She lifts her eyes. Her gaze full of sorrow. I pull away a few inches. "What are talking about?" I ask. Though I already fear the answer.

She stands up and reaches in a drawer. Elsa gets out her wand. My eyes widen as I grab her wrist. "Please..don't do this."

"I have to. There's no other choice." She says, her bottom mouth quivering. "Yes there is." My hand fumbles reaching for the necklace beneath my hoodie. "Remember this? Merida found it and gave it to me." Elsa stares at it in disbelief. "She convinced me to get off my ass to find you at that very moment. You do have a choice. Please come with me. We can face this. Together. Whatever it is. Like we always do."

Elsa surprises me by kissing me. But it ends as quickly as it came. "I have to leave the continent. If I stay they'll use me. They'll use me for my powers for their gain. And it won't be pretty." She takes a step back. A single tear slips out. "You won't remember coming here," my mouth opens but she continues beating me to it. "You won't remember finding me. The only thing you'll remember is what I just told you."

"Please Elsa, think about this." I say holding my hand up. Her wand shakes as another tear falls. "I have."


*Hans POV*

I arrive at the fair. In a plain t-shirt, faded jeans, and a dirty brown leather jacket. Granted I look better than half the ya-hoos here but that's beside the point. Everyone is going inside the largest building on fair grounds. People dressed as royalty, nobility, and gentry. Someone pushes past me hitting me on the shoulder.

"Watch it." A clearly drunk man, grumbles out. I just glare at him. It's not worth it. I'm here for one reason and one reason only. There's no way I'm going to expose my world for some ass hole.

I go inside, what is called, the arena. It's apparently a place where knights joust for entertainment. It's almost a full house. I scan the area, looking for any sign of her. She has to be here. The faster she's found, the faster I can let go of the past and move forward.

A woman with black hair and in a costume walks past. She's wearing a name tag that says overseer. I grab her arm then let go when she puts her attention on me. The woman looks me up and down. Her mouth lifts in a smile. Apparently liking what she sees. "Can I help you?" She asks pushing her chest forward. I ignore her attempts at flirting.

"Yes. Have you gotten any new employees lately?"

She rolls her eyes crossing her arms. Maybe to push up her breasts. "Yeah. She was here for a while, but now she's gone."

"Can you give me any useful details?" I ask a bit irritated. She smirks, her fingers walk up my chest. "Depends. What are you gonna give me for it?"

I smile to play along then take her aside to a closet nearby. I jerk out my wand and put it under her neck. Suddenly her mask falls. She doesn't seem to know that it's a wand. So that keeps my world safe. For now anyway. "What was that?"

"Okay okay! I'll tell you! She got here a month ago. Red hair, blue eyes, and abnormally pale skin. She said that she needed a job, bad."

"Name." I demand pushing the wand closer.

"Mary Dale! Her name was Mary Dale! She left two days ago. Not a word, now please let me go." She says in a pleading voice. I move my wand up and down in front of her face. She passes out in an instant. In an hour she'll wake up with no memory of the last thirty minutes.

I leave the closest. This is great. Bloody fantastic. I just missed her. I sigh in frustration. Get a grip Hans. It's barley been two days. Just follow her trail. Elsa had to leave a trail. She also must have had a place she was staying in while she was here.

I pretend to be a new employee asking where I'll be staying while working. The 'fortune teller' answers. "It's about a hundred yards that way. It'll be one of the trailers."

I nod once then go. Elsa must have left something behind. She had to. Damn why do I have to be so slow?! She was here not less than two days ago. I want to kick myself for not moving quicker. This could've been over. Now. But, I have to find the trailer Elsa was in while she was here.

This is going to take a while.

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