The End

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Drew's POV

I was tired after the flight and doing all the check-ins but i was finally in front of the address of Daria.

I knocked on the door waiting. And when it opened I was surprised by who I saw.

My jaw dropped and I didn't find words to speak. I was mad but I was happy too.
I saw Daria come into view and her eyes widened.


I looked at her still speechless.

"Umm..You can come in and we will explain to you everything." She said calmly.

I watched Hayes look away and walk in as I followed.

I sat on the bench in the garden and they sat across me.

"Well? How is it that you are alive?"

Daria's POV

I was surprised Drew came but I knew we were busted so I had to explain.

"Daria. Was all the crying fake or the horrible appearance?" He asked angrily.

"No it wasn't." I said and sighed.

"I don't understand."

I nodded and told him what happened.

"After I left the hospital, I was frustrated I even thought of suiciding. Yes it's true. I did cry for weeks and I believed he was dead. But there was this one day when I was going to wear the jacket I wore the day Hayes died. And I found a note in the jacket."

Drew crossed his arms and listened. As Hayes laid his head on my lap and closed his eyes. I smiled down at him and played with his hair.

"He explained everything in the note. He did get shot but only in the shoulder. He was wearing a vest. He agreed with the doctors to fake his death and that's how everyone including the mafia would believe he was dead." I said.

"Let's admit it, Drew. They were going to watch Daria for any signs of me being alive. So 1 week or more of her actually believing am dead would make them take their minds off me. We both know what they want. It was either I die or Daria dies. They don't want a weak gangleader in their little motherfucker groups and by that I mean they find Daria a distraction. It had to be one of us. And yes I am ready to risk everything for her. My reputation, my job , my crew, my family.. Am sorry." Hayes mumbled looking at Drew.

Drew paused looking surprised then said the least useful thing which made roll my eyes.

"Dude, you're whipped."

I remembered the moment I knew he's alive and how excited I was to see him.


I can't believe he's alive. Oh my God!
I was literally jumping in the seat of the taxi as he drove me to the address.

I paid him more than I have to but that didn't matter. I roughly knocked on the door like some maniac and I was trembling from happiness and when the door flew open I couldn't help but let tears of joy down my cheeks

I jumped in his arms. and wrapped my legs around his torso. He was smirking and I instantly crashed my lips with his. He pushed the door close with his foot and pushed me against the wall. I tugged at his hair pushing him closer to me. He carried me to the bedroom and we all know to what that lead...

After all that we sat down and he explained everything to me. I know I had to be mad at him but I couldn't."

End of flashback

Drew decided to stay in the guest room as I sat down cuddling into Hayes's chest.

"I missed you."

"I know." He said placing a kiss on my forehead.

"How do you love me Hayes?"


"Yes. How?"

He looked down at me and I was mesmerized with his eyes.

"I love you, Daria. Against reason, against promise, against peace, against hope, and against discouragement that could be."

I smiled at that and thought.

'He will always be my favorite mistake.'


Hey loves!!

Surprise!! He's alive! I wouldn't let my favorite fictional character I created die!

I hope you liked the last chapter!

Please vote and comment for the last time!

Love ya

The End

Loving Hayes #2Where stories live. Discover now