Chapter 4 : Recording

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Daria's POV

"Welcome to the Program in Communication Sciences and Disorders...The graduate programs in Communication Sciences and Disorders are dedicated to the advancement of science and art associated with the study of all aspects of human communication, and the prevention and treatment of its disorders across the lifespan..." The proffeser started but my mind was somewhere else.

I played with my pen and sighed. I banged my head on the desk just as a high pitched familiar voice spoke and entered the room.

"Oh!! Am here!! Sorry for being late!"

I slowly took my head of the desk and furrowed my eyebrows hoping it's not who I think it is. I slowly turned around and as soon as I saw who it was I gagged and literally felt like jumping out the window.

Hell no.

The last thing I need is a stuck up slutty snarky bitch like Regina now. Agh! !

Do she follow me here? Hope not!!

Beside her was. ..oh come on!!

Guess? Her fucking minions.

I rolled my eyes and turned so she doesn't notice me. Hopefully she doesn't notice me for the whole year. Why is everyone in New York?

Oh wait. What if she followed Hayes?! God this is gonna be so much fun!! I wanna see her face when she sees his girlfriend. I hope they fight it's gonna be like a movie to me.

I snickered silently at my thoughts. Then someone sat beside me.

Shit. I looked the other way and pretended to be asleep as I put my head on the desk.

The bell rang and I thanked God.

I stormed out quickly but felt foot steps follow me.

Please not her...

"Well well...if it isn't my favorite high school slut."

I rolled my eyes and turned around and glared at the bitches. Ew. I hate them. They disgust me.

"Well hello there Gina..if it isn't the most disgusting stuck up STD walkers.. oh what are you now? Lap dogs? Are you following someone specific here or something?" I said with a raised eyebrow and of course smirk.

"First it's Regina..Second, don't ever and I mean ever call us lap dogs.. we ain't following no one it's vice versa baby.." she said and smirked while twirling her blonde long hair around her finger.

"First.. I don't give a fuck..Second, your minions do seem like lap dogs following you around kissing ass.. and third, am glad you didnt deny the fact that you're disgusting stuck up STD walkers.. I mean it's good you're finally honest." I said while smiling innocently and put my hand on my heart in a fake caring way.

She glared at me and I chuckled.

"You better watch your back." She said still glaring daggers at me.

"Really? Cause you should stop spending so much time on yours." I fired back and glared back at her.

With one last glare she scoffed and said.

"Regina is out." She said and turned around while she flipped her hair in a cocky way swaying her hips in the process.

I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

"Ugh, as if!" I said and made a face while imitating her.

"Hey!" A voice called me.

I turned and as Sophie. What are we know? Stuck up BFFs? I rolled my eyes at my sarcastic thoughts. I smiled to her and she hugged me.

"Hey Sophie. Was up?"

"Oh nothing, I saw you talking to A girl who looked like.." She paused looking for te right word."bitch. So I wanted to see if you're okay."

I chucked and nodded.

"Sophie!" His amazing deep voice called. Her. Agh.
Once he saw me he looked surprised that am talk in to his girlfriend.

Well she talked to me so..

"Yeah just a minute." She said and turned to me.

"Well why don't meet my boyfriend come here."I was about to protest but she dragged me with her.

I gritted my teeth from punching her and looked at the Sex God stand I in front of me his hands in his pockets. His hair was messy and he was wearing his usual casual clothes.

"Hayes this is Daria. Daria Th I Hayes, my boyfriend." She emphasized they last part and I raised my eyebrow while Hayes gave her a weird knowing look.

I mentally scoffed.

"Pleasure meeting you. Hayes."

"You too, Daria." I shook his hand and felt tingles.

Oh come on! Why does my body have to betray me.

I quickly removed my hand and awkwardly smiled.

"Well I gotta go. It was nice seeing you Sophie, again." I emphasized again so he knows i met her before.

He raised his eyebrows but then his face just went blank. Wow he wasnt that cold and blank before. Guess time changes us.

Just as I was about to leave I snickered at the voice. This is gonna be awesome. I put on my recorder so the girls could listen to what is gonna happen.

"Hayes!! Baby? Is that you? Oh my God!" Gina squelaed wrapping her hands around him.

I smirked and looked at Sophie who was now glaring at Regina fuming.

"Excuse me? Can u get your hands off-" Sophie began but Gina cut her off.

"And you are, honey?" She said her hands wrapped around Hayes's neck.

"His girlfriend." Sophie said bitchly glaring at the slut.

"Trust me, hun. You won't be his girlfriend anymore after I fuck him. He'll dumb you the second I do so." Regina said calmly and smirked.

"You're an idiot." Hayes stated and scoffed.

"Get your hands off my boyfriend before I do myself." Sophie said clenching her fists.

I held in a laugh watching how calm Gina was. I knew she was getting under her skin. Plus Sophie was an easy shot.

"I can't bear fools, you know." She said looking at her nails.

"Apparently your mother could." I muttered in a low voice but realized they heard it cause Th he three looked at me.

Sophie smirked and nodded.

"Good one. It's true."

I looked up and met grey eyes. He smirked and then winked. Agh. Asshole.

"Shut up 'Dee'. Now Hayes. If you'd see me naked, I'd die happy." Regina said dreamily tracing her hand up and down hayes's chest which pissedboff more Sophie. God this is funny.

"Trust if he saw you naked he'd die laughing." Sophie said and I snickered.

"Why so jealous sweetheart?"

The bell rang cutting off Sophie's reply. I sighed and laughed once I was out. I turned off the recorder and took a deep breath.

"Is it bad that I feel so good about Sophie being jealous?" I mumbled to myself.

I scoffed and face palmed myself.

"I can't believe am talking to myself. And I can't believe I just recorded a conversation between two bitches I hate." I mumbled again and rolled my eyes.



Hey loves!

I hoped you liked the chapter. Things will get more exciting and mysterious later on. This just the beginning.

Anyway please drop me a vote and comment. I would really appreciate it.

Love ya ❤❤❤❤

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