Chapter 9 : Story Time

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Daria's POV

I woke up in an unfamiliar room just as the memories from last night came crushing down. I sighed and got up noticing the bathroom at the corner of the room.

The bed I was sleeping on was king sized and covered with white sheets and fluffy pillows. The pillows kinda reminded me of the pillow fight I had with the girls before I was kidnapped years ago.

I walked into the bathroom and gasped when I looked at my face. My eyes were red and puffy and my make up was smudged. I looked hella creepy.

I washed my face feeling refreshed and spotted my bag at the small leather couch beside the bed.
I kept some make up in my bag in case of emergencies. Like now.

Just as I was done with my make up I smelled the smell of bacon and eggs then smiled. My tummy growled so I hurried To go downstairs. But when I looked down at my body I was dressed in a familiar oversized t-shirt . His cologne reached my nostrils and I figured it was his t-shirt I am wearing.

When I walked downstairs his bare mascular hot back was facing me.
I walked from behind him then jumped on the counter in front of him.

He didn't seem surprised a as he kept his eyes on the pan.
I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms.

"I have questions." I stated.

"You always seem to have." He mumbled with sarcasm.

I ignored his comment and continued.
"Why am I here?"

"Because you fell asleep." He said in a bored tone.

"Who..who undressed me?"

"Be logical, Davis. We are the only people in the house. I don't think you undressed yourself while sleeping, now did you?"

"Why would y-" I began angrily.

"Its not like I haven't seen you before."

I shut my mouth at this and looked away.

"So..where's Sophie?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"She left an hour ago. She should be here by now."

I furrowed my eyebrows at this.

"She didn't mind me being here?"

"No, she doesn't know you're my ex girlfriend. Plus I made up a story. And you might have to change before she comes." He explained.

"Am not changing. Am quite comfortable." I said smugly.
Why do I want her to feel jealous?

It's like I don't want to change his t-shirt on purpose.
He looked at me then smirked knowingly. I guess he firgued it out.
"Babe! Am home!" Sophie yelled from inside.
Home?! They live together?!

"Oh! Daria you're awake." She said smiling but it dropped when scanned my outfit and my position to Hayes on the counter. Oops. Forgot about that.

I smiled innocently and jumped off the counter.

"Hey Sophie. Do you have an outfit? I really have to leave."

"Yeah sure." She said a bit bitchly but I caught it in her tone.

We walked upstairs and she handed me black tight leggings with a black tight crop top.

"Thank you."

As soon as I was in my outfit I grabbed my belongings including Hayes's T-shirt. Am not a creep but I still keep all of his shirts and t-shirts from before that I wore.
When I was in front of the main door I turned around and mumbled a thanks to Hayes then took a cab.

When I was at my dorm. Arti was leaning on my door.

"Arti? Don't call me that."
I laughed and shook my head.

"That's your new nickname so get over it. Anyway what are you doing here so early?"

"I wanted to make sure you were okay. Did he hurt you?" He asked concerned.

"What? Ofcourse not. Is this what Youre worried about?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.


"Am not talking to you until you tell me full story on what's going on between you two?" I said with crossed arms.

He sighed and nodded.

"Fine. But you can't say. He used to be my best friend."
My eyes widened and my jaw dropped. What?!

"We were so close and nothing would tear us apart but then..He killed her. The girl I loved the most. He said she was using me and planning against me behind my back. Ofcourse I didn't believe him. I trusted her with my life."
He said taking a breath.

"At that time, I was second in command and Hayes was and still is the leader. When I found out I couldn't hold it so I got in a fight with him. First it was an argument which led to punches thrown then knifes then guns and shooting at each other.
I decided I'd do my own gang to get my revenge. My gang now, is almost ready to take him down. We just need one more member that could fight and shoot and shit." He said finishing.

"He killed your girlfriend? But aren't you breaking the bros code..bros before hoes." I said discreetly to lighten up my mood.

He let out a dark laugh.

"Are you kidding me Daria?! He did not just hurt her. He killed her."


I turned around and noticed that it is Madison.
I smiled at her and stepped aside to introduced her to Arti.

"Madison meet Artemis. Artemis meet Madison."

They shook hands and we both decided to enter while saying our goodbyes to Arti.

"What was that about?" She said as soon as I closed the door shut.

"Oh you know." I said and shrugged nervously.

"No. No, I dont know."

I rolled my eyes then laid on the couch.

"We were just having a story time that's all. Now drop it."

Hey loves!
Sorry for the boring chapter!
The action starts later though. Lots of action.

Hope you liked it!!

Pls cmnt and vote.

Love ya ❤❤❤

Loving Hayes #2Where stories live. Discover now