Chapter 18 : What Gang War?

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Unknown's POV

I dialed Hayes's number and he picked up on the second ring.

"Am surprised you're calling me." I heard his voice through the phone.

I rolled my eyes and got out the files.

"Am arranging a gang war." I Said writing down the date.

I heard silence on the other side and furrowed my eyebrows.

"You still there Grey?"

"You're joking right?" He said amusement drilling from his tone.

"No. Unfortunately, am not."

"Why?" I heard him say through gritted teeth.

I grinned when I realized he began losing his temper.

"We will do a meeting and discuss all that. All you need to know is prepare yourself from now. Cause you are in. You have 2 days." With that I hung up and sighed.

Hmm, I need to call Artemis next.

Daria's POV

I groaned as Artemis kept following me.

"Could u stop following me?" I said grumpily and glared at him.

"No. I need to protect you."

"From what?!" I yelled annoyingly.

"A gang war is going to happen in two days. And you are a target since u are a weakness to me. And probably to Hayes. Making it even worse."


"What are u talking about? What gang war?"

"The Mafia decided to have a war between 4 gangs. Including mine and Grey's."

"The Mafia?"

"Yeah. They basically have control over the gangs. And when they see war is necessary they announce it."

"How is war ever necessary?!"

"Dee, we are in gangs, we are involved in mafia and so many shit. We live throuh war. It runs in our blood." He said and shrugged.

"And how is it my fault that I am your weakness?! I don't want to be in the middle of this."

"You won't. I'll protect you. It's not your fault, I shouldn't have fallen in love with you." He said inching closer.

"You are not in love with me."

"Yes I am."

"How pathetic can u be Artimes? You ruined my life. You killed my childhood best friend. You fucking hurt me, and you have the audacity to tell me you love me?!"

"You don't understand. I did it because I love you."

"You're sick. I've learned if you love a person you are to make him happy. Not the way around." I said and left the park heading to find Hayes.

I got in the taxi and sighed looking out the window.
My phone vibrated indicating that I've received a text.

*Artimes: I swear to God I'll protect you. I love you Daria.*

I rolled my eyes and texted back.

*Daria: You can swear to God all you want he's not the one listening. *

I locked the phone and got out heading towards the doors of the warehouse of the gang.

I opened and saw men preparing weapons and some were counting money, others were... is that drugs?


I turned around and saw Hayes leaning on the wall smoking.

"Umm.. I need to talk to you."

"Bad timing. Am busy." He said turning his back and walking to his office.

He didn't just turn his back to me.

I glared and walked towards his office door and pushed it open purposely making a loud noise with the wall.

I saw his eyes darken in anger and he slammed his fist in the table.

"I said I am busy."

I slammed the door shut and sat on his table in front of him.

"So, about that war?" I said with a raised eyebrow.

"What about it? It's non of your business."

"Unfortunately, it is."

"Daria leave I have to work."

"I am not moving my ass from here."

He sighed and got up.

"If that's how it's going to be." He mumbled as I squealed when he picked me up on his shoulder.

"Put me down, you dork!" I yelled and groaned.

He kept holding me until a taxi stopped and he placed me inside. I glared at him and he smirked. He inched and placed a kiss on my neck then closed the door. I watched him walk away and sighed.

What do I do now?


Am sorry for the so late uodate and the short chapter but I've been real busy lately.

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Love ya ❤❤

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