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Yugyeom hasn't expected his second meeting with Jungyeon to be so, well, awkward. Is it because of all their teary calls this past week?

It's one day before the competition, and Jungyeon has flown in with Momo from Japan with her dance team, not to dance, but to just support her because she's still her friend. Yugyeom has gone to the airport on his own to greet her; it's really really awkward.

He clears his throat and opens his arms out to her. "Hey, Jungyeon. I hope you're feeling better?"

She reaches over and slaps his arm instead, laughing softly under her breath. "You awkward little shit. It's not like I was sick or anything, I'm perfectly fine."

He raises his eyebrows at her; she suddenly leans down, grabs her bag by the straps and takes off, walking at an unnaturally fast speed in high heels. He runs after as fast as his almost-fully-healed ankle lets him, screaming.


Yugyeom grabs her hand, chuckling, and she suddenly frowns at him. "Where is BamBam now? You mentioned that you're not living together anymore, right?"

"Ah... Uh, yeah. I have no idea where he is."

Jungyeon nods, and they start walking again, this time at a more moderate speed, and Yugyeom mentally notes that he should not do anything to make her mad or annoyed because god, those heels can probably kill him if she stepped on his foot.

It's not like she even needs those heels because she's already really tall for a girl, so there's not doubt about it. She wore them to use them as a weapon.

"Oh, oh, where's your hotel, by the way? I'll hail a taxi for you."

".... Why are you acting like I can't hail a taxi on my own?"

Yugyeom's face heats up, and he immediately shakes his head, muttering 'never mind, never mind' under his breath. He goes and walks a few steps in front of her to avoid seeing how pointy her shoes are. He doesn't want another leg injury.

He's seen enough of pointy shoes from Kunpimook, but maybe that's really what models wear in their everyday lives.


"Who's this, Yugyeom?" Hoseok asks him, head tilted slightly to the side, when he arrives at the studio at seven in the morning the next day with Jungyeon.

"She's Jungyeon, she's my friend. She'll be watching the competition later."

"She's tall."

Jungyeon covers her mouth to hide her smile in hopes that he won't see her laugh and be offended. She drops her hand from her mouth and puts it on Yugyeom's shoulder instead. Hoseok's eyebrows go up at the action, but neither of them minds it. It's not like they'll ever like each other, anyway.

"Good luck for later, yeah? Yugyeom tells me you are the best dancers he knows."

"Don't tell them that, Jungyeon, they'll tease me."


Yugyeom hasn't felt this nervous in a long time. Eyes glued to the screen in their little cramped waiting room, his hand unconsciously keeps on reaching up and messing up his already messily-styled hair.

The entire room is quiet, and they're the next to go up. For as long as he can remember, they are never quiet. Even Nayeon and Dahyun are silent and it's probably because of all the nerves and last minute choreography run throughs in their brains.

Jungyeon's out in the audience area (she has texted him that Kunpimook's sitting beside her, holding a sign board but she doesn't say what's written on it) and ever since the competition has started, she hasn't been sending him anymore texts.

Honestly, he wishes she'll text him so that he'll hopefully lose some of the jittery feelings and the butterflies in his stomach, but she really doesn't. He has waited until the last minute for her to text, until a staff person tells them to go on standby.

"W-we can do this! Let's beat all those teams!" Hoseok tries to shout energetically, but everyone else can guess that he, too, is very nervous because of his tone and his stutter. He keeps jumping up and down and tying and untying his shoelaces again and again as if it's always too loose or too tight.

Chaeyoung suddenly materializes by his side, her hand slipping into his and squeezing it gently. His ankle is starting to throb lightly again.

"Good luck, yeah?"

Then, they are called to the stage and Yugyeom can only hear his heartbeat and he can only feel how hard his heart is thumping against his chest like a slow drum.

When he heard the first note, Yugyeom feels like he's in a dream because finally, they're finally doing it. He regains his mind a second later because of the spotlights straight at him and the fact that he is right in the middle of the stage, in front of a large crowd.

He's standing underneath a spotlight. He's the main focus of all their attention, exactly what his team wanted, but what he never wanted. One wrong move, and it's over.

The choreography starts after the first sixteen beats, and that's when Yugyeom loses himself.

He doesn't even feel his ankle hurting anymore, until he somehow gets snapped back to reality again by a certain blinking red light of a name in the center in front of him and the painfully beautiful face of the person who's holding it. He hasn't seen him for a long time, and he wasn't expecting to see him hold a sign with Momo's name on it during his team's performance.

Is he fucking insane?

See, it was supposed to be a formation transition, but he crashes into the nearest person (which happens to Howon) and falls down, hurting his leg again and blacking out from the pain of injuring an already injured part.

Later, when he opens his eyes after probably passing out the first thing that comes from his lips is a question on where Kunpimook is.

It's really stupid. Kunpimook probably doesn't even care about him anymore.


i honestly have no idea where this chapter went, i feel like it was so badly written and confusing
anyway happy new year! did you see the new cover? how'd you guys like it?
( self promo: i'd love it if you guys would go and check out my other ongoing stories 'vivre l'instant', 'newly made eyes' and 'destiny' and if you'd leave some feedback or something )

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