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Yugyeom isn't really sure what to expect when Kunpimook opens the door for him when he gets home later in the day, with only Dahyun by his side because Chaeyoung has to meet with her family for dinner.

Heck, he doesn't even why his palms are sweating and his left hand is already gripping her right hand tightly as if he's entering a battleground instead of his home. Dahyun reaches over with her free hand, rubbing his back gently.

"Calm down, Yugyeom, you're turning pale. Are you feeling alright?"

Yugyeom presses his lips into a thin line, his heart beating erratically for a reason he doesn't know at all. It's not like he hasn't seen Kunpimook that morning, so why is he so nervous about this?

"Yeah, I'm fine, Dah—"

The door suddenly swings open, revealing a tousle-haired and half-opened eyes Kunpimook. His loose shirt is riding up, revealing the lower part of his flat stomach, and he immediately reaches for Yugyeom's arm when he sees them, a small smile forming on his lips as he tells Dahyun a 'thank you for taking Yugyeom back.'

Dahyun asks him once more if he's okay, and when he nods, she doesn't leave at once, she really makes sure that the door closes behind him and Kunpimook first before she goes. He limps over to the nearest chair, sitting down in it and leaning his crutches against the wall, as he watches Kunpimook shuffle his feet back to the couch and pick up his phone.

It's like they're simply roommates now who have no care for each other.

He closes his eyes, resting his head against the back of the sofa, keeping his silence as he listens to the tapping on Kunpimook's phone as he types a message or makes a call.

Yugyeom should have just fallen asleep as soon as he closed his eyes because Kunpimook also put the call on speaker, and if he just didn't have a broken ankle, then he would have run out of the apartment at once. He would have already gone far far away, because of how Kunpimook speaks into the call, and to the receiver.

"Hey, how are you doing over there? I missed you, my baby peach."

Well, if it wasn't sucked into one yet before, his world is definitely being sucked into a dark void right now and is being shattered into a million pieces that are becoming scattered into nothingness.

Damn Kunpimook and his bisexuality. Damn Momo and her perfection.

He's honestly this close to throwing himself out of a window and breaking every bone in his body and not just one stupid ankle.


Yugyeom wonders when Kunpimook will just break up with him and throw him out of the apartment. He's starting to get tired of all the phone calls between him and Momo now, with Kunpimook acting like he's innocent and is not totally flirting with a girl right in front of his face.

It's stupid, really. He keeps on saying they're not together, that he's not flirting with her, when he obviously is. Who does Kunpimook think he's fooling?

Kunpimook suddenly leans over him and snaps his fingers in front of his face, letting him see the harsh reality that this beautiful boy is not alone his. Anymore.

"Come on now, Yugyeom! You've been sitting there for nearly an hour, aren't you so–"

"Let's break up."

Okay, rewind, rewind. What?

Apparently, Kunpimook seems to be just as confused as he is, and Yugyeom's the one who said it. Hell, he doesn't even know why he said it, but now that the statement's out, he feels like the weight of the sky has been lifted off his shoulders and he's starting to see Kunpimook in a new, a flaming red light.

It's not a beautiful rose color now, it's not the color of innocent love; it's the color of anger, of resentment, of burning tongues of fire.

"I'm sorry, what?"

This time, Yugyeom's voice comes out louder, more sure. "Let's break up. I want to end this now. I don't want to be a thing with you. I don't need you anymore."

Kunpimook is silent, he's speechless, and Yugyeom cannot believe it. Watching him stare at him with shock in his beautiful brown eyes, Yugyeom somehow softens, even if he doesn't want to, and his jaw goes slack.

What in the actual universe did he just do?

Then, it feels like time speeds up.

Kunpimook straightens, running his fingers through his hair and teeth pulling at his lower lip, and without looking at Yugyeom, he grabs his overcoat from the chair he threw it to, tugs on his shoes and socks, and leaves, slamming the door with a bang behind him.

Without a single word.

It happens so fast, Yugyeom doesn't know what to think. His chest tightens all of a sudden and he feels like he can't breath because what in the fucking world did he just do?

How could he break up with the love of his life, his best friend, his other half, and let him leave so easily just like that? What the fuck was he thinking when he said that?

He pushes himself up from the pillows, tugging his leg from its comfortable, painless position into a state that makes him scream out in pain, torso lurching forward and hands nearly grabbing at his ankle.

He feels like he's crying, but the tears don't come, and he doesn't know what to do anymore. He just ruined his whole life, he ended his entire universe because of one person who didn't even ask why he's breaking up with them.


What the holy fuck did I just write. I think you guys hate me now...? I'm crying 💔
Btw, I just suddenly thought of this, how old do you guys think I am?

Fly : YugBamजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें