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Dahyun says it's going viral on the net, that one article which has photos of Yugyeom and Kunpimook together. It was posted a few hours ago, and it was written by somebody who was obviously a fan of Kunpimook, if not somebody who knew him well.

As he scrolls down, scanning the article, a chill runs through his phone. There's no way somebody could have gotten hold of those photos unless a stalker or somebody who knew about them because he knows Kunpimook would never ever personally send those photos in to media.

To be frank, not a lot of people know about them, and he can count them on his fingers.

"Thai blood, working as an international model, living in Seoul..." Dahyun muses when he returns her phone back to her and she hands it to Chaeyoung. "He's pretty hot. I'd go for him if he was single. Such a shame he's gay."

Yugyeom lowers his head, muttering a correction under his breath. "Bi, actually."

Chaeyoung looks up, having scanned the article quickly and returned the phone back to her. "How come you never mentioned him before? It's said you're his close friend, too, right?"

"Well... He's not really much of a dancer." Yugyeom says slowly, unsure of what to say.

He watches as Dahyun scrolls down the page again, reading something else, and her eyes suddenly widen. Chaeyoung moves closer to look over her shoulder at what she's reading and her mouth drops open as well.

"Oh my god, Yugyeom, they're hating on you and your boyfriend, Kun- Kan- What's his name again?"

Yugyeom grabs at Dahyun's phone again, seeing the comments at the bottom of the article. There's one that's been upvoted and replied to so many times that Yugyeom can't believe it, and he bites his lip, having half a mind to reply something himself until he scrolls down even more and sees some people actually defending them.

The original comment says that people like them have no place in the world, and even if a famous model like Kunpimook is one, then his career should just burst into flames and they can go be burnt with it, too.

He scrolls down the page even more, reading the various comments either telling them to go be burnt alive at the stake or supporting their relationship wholeheartedly and admiring their courage for announcing it publicly when Yugyeom doesn't even have a single clue on who announced it.

Hell, he never wanted a public relationship.

He never wanted everybody to know that he's with somebody with a status so high up so they can comment on your his and tell him that he's not good enough for Kunpimook? That Kunpimook doesn't deserve somebody as lowly as him? He's not having any progress with convincing himself that Kunpimook actually deserves him and wants him on his own, he doesn't need any more people to tell him that.

But then he sees one single comment at the very bottom of all the comments, and tears are suddenly threatening to burst, feeling like his blood has suddenly stopped circulating in his system and he can't breathe because of that one single comment with the a little over five hundred upvotes and less than fifty dislikes.

I hope he can just get together with Momo, instead! They look soooooo cute together!~~♥♥

"Yugyeom, are you okay?" Chaeyoung asks him, a worried tone laced in her voice as she reaches over and places a hand on his arm. He shakes her hand off and gets up from where he's sitting, disconnecting his phone from the speaker where he was using it to play music for him to dance to.

It's only now that he notices the flood of messages coming from Kunpimook, Jungyeon, and practically all of his other friends in his contacts list, all demanding to know where this news suddenly sprouted from.

He ignores most of the messages, only opening one from Jungyeon. How can he answer those messages from all the other people asking where the news came from when he himself also doesn't know?

From : Yoo Jungyeon
What happened? Why is your face all over the Internet? You didn't tell anybody, did you?

But even to this, he has no idea what to reply. He goes back to where he was sitting before; Dahyun and Chaeyoung are huddled together, staring at the phone and occasionally scrolling down, but they look up when Yugyeom sits back down.

"These comments are no joke, Yug." Dahyun frowns slightly at him.

Chaeyoung seems to be thinking about something deep, and it takes her a few moments to speak. "Tell us everything about your relationship. We'll see what we can to help you guys, yeah? You have no idea who did this, right?"

He shakes his head, and Dahyun nods her head, pausing for a moment before suddenly bursting out.

"What's his name again? Kumbe-Whatsit?"

Yugyeom laughs softly. "Just call him BamBam."

"Okay, then. This BamBam guy.. He treats you good, right? Doesn't hurt you or anything?" Dahyun asks, a small smile starting to form on her lips.

It soon fades away when Yugyeom stays silent. He still has no idea how to explain the way in which Kunpimook has hurt him just recently.


This is sort of like more filler than actual chap...?? Idk.. TT

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