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Two weeks.

It's been two weeks since they got the letter to the competition, and Yugyeom is pretty much living in the dance studio, while a notification that he has just received yet another hate message slash death threat pops up on his phone screen every once in a while.

Natty tells him that if he doesn't stop dancing so hard, he might actually die soon. Or maybe that's just how her sixteen year old brain works: she overthinks everything.

But then again, nothing has really happened to him over the past two weeks except for possible dehydration and nearly passing out once or twice. If he's going to be the center of their dance team when they perform, he might as well do the best he can even if it kills him, right?

Besides, he doesn't want his teammates to be humiliated in front of everyone. If they do, he'll bury himself alive in a hole six feet under the ground and never come back even if they dig him out.

"Bye, Yugyeom! Don't die dancing, yeah?" Hoseok calls out to him before the door shuts closed. At once, the smile melts off Yugyeom's face as he turns back to the mirror, watching the sweat trickling down the sides of his face.

Why shouldn't he die dancing? He loves it to death.

Out of the corner of his eye, he can see his phone lighting up again on top of the speaker, and this time, unlike so many other times, he goes over to check what his phone is lighting up about.

It keeps vibrating, and a photo of Kunpimook pops up on the screen and he almost takes a step back as if merely seeing the photo has caused a fiery circle to spark around the speaker and he has just burned his foot.

See, he's been trying his best to avoid Kunpimook for days now, weeks even, ever since they had that conversation about him and Momo. Yugyeom doesn't think he has it in him to look Kunpimook in the eye without his heart hurting.

But his fingers seem to think otherwise, and it reaches over and accepts the call, swiftly placing it on loud speaker and Yugyeom can then hear Kunpimook's beautifully angelic voice all throughout the entire studio.



"Yugyeom, are you there?"

Yugyeom's there, standing a few feet away from the speaker with his knees shaking and feeling like jelly, with something blocking his throat that he feels like he can't breathe nor speak. It's as if hearing his voice makes Yugyeom realize how much he has really missed him and how much he needs to see and talk to Kunpimook regularly to function properly.

Because this, this is not 'functioning properly'. Knees shaking and barely breathing is not 'functioning properly'.

But somehow, he forces himself to speak a second later, rather breathlessly and hopefully, it makes him sound he has just finished dancing even though he has already finished nearly ten minutes ago.


"Where are you? I miss you an-"

He doesn't know how it has happened so quickly, the call having ended with just a swipe of his hand and with him pushing his phone to the floor and cracking the screen protector.

His heart is pounding, and he knows it's too late to change anything. He leans down to pick up his phone, turning it around in his fingers to check it for any more damage while Kunpimook's voice rings in his ears like a broken record, repeating that one sentence over and over again.

I miss you.

Fuck. Kunpimook's making him go insane.

☆ 飞 ☆

"Seems like you're so excited to start practicing today," Chaeyoung comments when she enters the studio, raising her eyebrows.

"Nah. I'm just..." Yugyeom pauses for a moment, thinking for a suitable word. "Peachy. I'm feeling rather peachy today."

"Peachy. Okay..." she repeats, then nods slowly, unsurely, at him, before walking to the bench and setting down her things, frowning at his choice of words.

It's only eight in the morning, and Yugyeom has decided that he needed some morning exercise because he had a lot to eat the night before and he's feeling a bit more energetic than usual.

But them, that's not really a bad thing, since their type of dance is street dance, and Yugyeom's main is house dance. House has really quick steps so naturally, he needs a lot of energy to dance it during practice. Besides, he absolutely loves house.

Half an hour later, it's still the two of them alone in the studio, Yugyeom's sitting down on the floor again with his legs stretched out in front of him. Chaeyoung approaches and sits down beside him, watching as he struggles to pull his phone out of his skinny jeans pocket.

Her eyebrows furrow when he takes it out, turning it on. "What happened to your phone?"

Yugyeom glances down at it, there's a large crack going from the one edge of his phone to nearly the other because of when he practically threw it to the floor the other day. "I dropped it."

"You should get it fixed."

"No, it's okay. Besides, BamBam will ha–"

He was going to say that Kunpimook had promised to buy him another phone for his birthday a few weeks ago to replace his old one even though Yugyeom is insisting that he doesn't need it. But then he remembers that he and Kunpimook are not really on great terms nowadays, and he falls silent.

"What happened, Yugyeom? Be honest."

And as sad as this sounds, Yugyeom cries again when he promised himself he wouldn't. And as weird as this sounds because Chaeyoung knows he's gay, she kisses him full on the lips while he's crying and complaining about how terrible his life is.

He hopes he's dreaming, but really, no dream can possibly be that vivid, no?


i'm in japan, i got my hey yah album, and i'm seeing got7 next week. this week is so much better than last week :')

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