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Yugyeom and Jungyeon are walking down a dark street illuminated by only yellow street lights, a can of beer in her hand and a half eaten orange in his.

"What time are we supposed to get back to the hotel?" Yugyeom asks, glancing over at her who is focused on her feet, kicking every little pebble that she encounters on the sidewalk.

"Did they say anything?" she murmurs, lifting the can up to her lips and drinking.

He pauses. "No. I don't think so."

"Then just forget about them tonight, yeah?"

"You're telling me that, but be honest with me. Can you forget them?"

They stop walking at the end of the block and she suddenly sits down on the sidewalk, stretching out her long legs in front of her and setting the can down. He sits down beside her, too, hand still gripping his half of an orange.

He breaks off a part and peels the skin off, popping the slice of orange into his mouth and chewing it as he looks at her expectantly. Jungyeon doesn't answer easily, and she only speaks after she takes another long drink of her beer.

"I love her, but she loves your boyfriend. I don't think you can forget something like that so easily."

"Exactly, so why bother telling me to forget when even you can't?"

She is silent, and Yugyeom goes back to the few remaining pieces of his orange, staring at it for a moment before offering it to her. She glances at it for a split second and takes it gratefully, mumbling a 'thank you' under her breath.

Merely five minutes later, they are running down alleys and down the middles of roads, turning at every corner they see with tears running down her cheeks and Yugyeom screaming out random Thai words that his boyfriend always says.

As strange as this sounds, at one in the morning under the yellow streetlights in Paris, two young people with breaking hearts drink beer, eat oranges and let loose themselves in the night, in a place where nobody can understand what they're saying and nobody knows them for who they really are.

Anybody who might see them running around, screaming and crying, might mistake them for being insane, but if being insane means not having a slowly breaking heart, then why not?


He staggers into his and Kunpimook's shared room at a quarter past two in the morning, stumbling into the Thai boy's arms who has opened the door for him after being woken up by Yugyeom banging on the door like a drunk man.

"Fuck, Yugyeom, what happened to you?" Kunpimook says, his voice quietly as he tries to make him stand up, but Yugyeom is clinging onto him like a koala. He mutters something incoherent under his breath that Kunpimook cannot catch, and Yugyeom's grip tightens on the his shoulders.

Somehow, Kunpimook doesn't immediately notice that Yugyeom's already crying. He only notices it when he feels something wet on his shoulder and he hears Yugyeom sniffling.

"Yugyeom, Yugyeom, Yugyeom, Yugyeom," he says repeatedly, tapping on his soft cheek until he finally lifts his head and looks at him. Yugyeom's eyes and nose are red, tears are still falling freely, and his hair is all messed up, but Kunpimook cannot seem to guess what is wrong.

"W-what?" Yugyeom manages to say, and he suddenly coughs, pulling himself away from Kunpimook and dragging his feet to drink some water, the back of his hand dabbing at his face to wipe away his tears.

"Did anybody hurt you?"

Yugyeom uncaps the bottle and brings it to his lips, swallowing as the liquid flows down his throat. "Yes."

Kunpimook freezes, his jaw set and his hand slowly forming a fist, any signs of being sleepy lost from his system now. "Who fucking hurt you?"

If only Kunpimook knew that this was all because of him.

"Nobody." Yugyeom screws the cap back on the bottle, setting it down on top of the cabinet; Kunpimook frowns deeply, he's not believing what Yugyeom just said, not after that shitty fucker just made his Yugyeom cry.

"Seriously, Yugyeom. Tell me who hurt you."

Yugyeom stays silent, shuffling his feet away from the cabinet and over to his suitcase, trying his best to avoid his boyfriend's gaze because he doesn't want to say anything, much less say that the reason for his tears is Kunpimook himself.

"Can I just say that I hurt myself?" He stops in front of the bathroom door, pajamas in hand and towel over his shoulder.

When Yugyeom closes the bathroom door, leaving Kunpimook standing there with wide eyes, he suddenly realizes how wrong that must have sounded to him. To Kunpimook, it probably sounds like he's cutting or something, when in reality, it's really Yugyeom's low self confidence that's causing all this damage.

He sits down on the cover of the toilet seat, tapping his foot mindlessly and letting time tick past like the fluid it is.

What feels like simply seconds later, there is somebody banging on the door so hard that Yugyeom feels like it's going to break down. He pushes himself up from the toilet seat and reaches out to unlock the door, sending Kunpimook tumbling inside the bathroom with curses flowing from his lips.

"What are you doing?" Yugyeom asks slowly as he watches Kunpimook scramble to his feet.

"You're not hurting yourself, are you? Like, you don't have something sharp hidden somewhere in your pajamas or anything? You better not be hurting your beautiful self because I fucking swear to god, Kim Yugyeom, you are absolutely perfect the way you are and you don't need to hurt yourself for some goddamn reason I don't even know!"

It's obvious in Kunpimook's eyes and in his voice that he's panicking, he's worried sick, and he obviously doesn't want to find Yugyeom cutting himself. Kunpimook steps closer, placing his hands on Yugyeom's cheeks.

"Don't hurt yourself, Yugyeom. You don't fucking deserve that." Kunpimook's voice is cracking, and the way he's speaking makes Yugyeom a bit teary and he feels like he wants to cling onto Kunpimook again like the koala he was minutes ago.

Yugyeom licks his lips slowly, a sudden thought striking him again, and his heart sinks. "Do you like Momo?"

"No, don't tell me you're worried about that again?" Kunpimook frowns at him, and Yugyeom drops his head, causing his hands to fall back to his sides. "I love you, Yugyeom, why can't you just trust me when I say it?"

"Momo likes you, and she's really pretty, she's a great dancer, she's straight-" Yugyeom sucks in a breath, biting on the insides of his cheeks. "She's just too amazing compared to me, to stupid, useless, untalented Kim Yugyeom."

"But that's what I want. I want Kim Yugyeom, I don't want Momo. Even if you say you're stupid, useless and untalented, you're still my Yugyeom. You're still my other half, and nothing can change that. Okay? Just trust me, alright? You're perfect to me, and all you need to be is you."

Yugyeom is quiet for a long time. His bottom lip is trembling, and he slowly raises his arms, wrapping them around Kunpimook and burying his face in his shoulder.

For the third time that night, Yugyeom lets go of himself.


I cried while writing this last night, Yugyeom's so precious. :')
I'm going to go buy tickets tomorrow for GOT7's fanmeet with me and we'll be lining up at six in the morning >< Wish us luck~ ;;

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