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He blames Chaeyoung.

Okay, so maybe it's not really her fault, maybe it's his for not really watching where he was stepping, or maybe it's Kunpimook for taking up practically all the space in his mind. Or maybe it's really just Chaeyoung's fault for kissing him and-

Holy shit. Yugyeom grabs the pillow from his lap and flops back down on the hospital bed as quickly as the cast lets him just as a familiar gorgeous boy enters the room with sweat trickling down the sides of his face and a panicked look in his brown eyes.


The boy calls, and he shuts his eyes tightly, pressing his lips into a thin line and relaxing his facial features so that it looks like he's peacefully asleep even though his heart is beating so fast and his ankle hurts like hell.

He feels a dip on his bed. "Gyeom? Are you asleep?"

No, he's not. Kim Yugyeom just wants to avoid this beautiful Kunpimook Bhuwakul. He bites down harder on his lip and he almost lets out a yelp when Kunpimook gently drags his fingers along the sides of his cast.

"How can you be so stupid to break your ankle, hm? You have a competition, don't you?"

Kunpimook says it soft, his voice soothing to Yugyeom's ears like an angel's song, and he doesn't even mind that he was just called stupid because the mere fact that Kunpimook knows about his competition warms his heart and his fingers on Yugyeom's leg sends tingles up his spine.

But of course, the inevitable comes.

"Momo told me about it, she said you told Jungyeon and Jungyeon told her. I didn't expect you guys to get in, this is great news! She also told me that they're competing against you guys. Good luck to you guys, yeah?"

After this, Kunpimook stands up, only saying a word of farewell and for him to rest and sleep well, and leaves the room, shutting the door closed behind him, and Yugyeom's eyes fly open again.

Did Kunpimook just tell him good luck because he thinks that they can't beat Momo's team?

Does Kunpimook really have no confidence in them that they can beat Momo's team? Does he really think that she is now the best dancer, that Yugyeom, just like what Yugyeom always thinks, isn't good enough?

He flips on his other side, shooting a sharp pain up from his ankle and it causes tears to spring to his cheeks, and curses to escape his lips. "Fuck everything."

Tears are rolling freely sideways down his cheek and onto his pillow. It's not because of his ankle.

It's always about Kunpimook.


He's finally out of the hospital, Dahyun and Chaeyoung are with him, helping him hobble out with newly bought crutches, and Chaeyoung is acting like she has never kissed him before.

"How do you feel today, Yugyeom?" Dahyun asks, pushing open a door for him.

"Terrible. Life hates me. There's a storm cloud right above my head, can you see it?"

Nobody says anything after that.


"You can't change the entire choreography just because of me! I can dance by then, I swear!"

Howon simply shakes his head, telling him that no, they can't risk him getting even more injured, that they have to change it because he definitely can't dance house with a broken ankle. Not with all that footwork.

His ankle is in pain, and now he's hurt because of all of them. He makes eye contact with whoever he can, trying to silently plead with them to go and talk to Howon to let him dance because they can't take away dance from him at this time. Anytime but this time.

Not after all this heartbreak Kunpimook is still putting him though.

Nobody talks to Howon, nobody even dares to make eye contact with him. Hell, nobody's even looking in his direction, not Chaeyoung, not Dahyun, not even Natty or Nayeon.

They leave him to sit alone on the bench, watching them practice and change parts of the choreography to fit them, to fit a team without a center.

Yugyeom's heart sinks. He really is useless, isn't he?

Natty makes her way over to him later, though, when they're on a five minute water break, a guilty look on her face and her head down. She sits down beside him on the bench and unscrews the cap of her bottle, taking a long drink before letting out a sigh and looking at him.

"I'm sorry, Yugyeom."

"No. I'm sorry. I'm sorry for being so useless. I'm sorry for being such a burden on all of you. The choreography was already complete but then I had to go and trip and break this stupid ankle." Yugyeom says, and it causes a strange expression to form on her face.

But then, she suddenly pales and her words come out faster than usual. "No, no, no, Yugyeom, why are you sorry? It was just an accident. Don't think that way, you're not useless! You're the best, you know?"

And somehow, her words make Yugyeom feel even more terrible, and it makes him feel like she's only saying these things to cheer him up, that she doesn't really mean them at all.

"Stop lying to me. I have never even been good enough in the first place, and now this happened. I want to fucking die dancing, but you guys won't even let me dance."


"Natty! Come on! Break's over!" Howon suddenly shouts from his position in front of the mirror, doing a bit of arm stretching again, and Natty jumps up, shooting him a worried look before running off to find her position.

Somehow, he can feel Chaeyoung staring at him. Does it make sense if he thinks she just heard what he said even if he didn't really say it that loud and even if the others did hear it, they just passed it off as an annoyed expression even if it's somehow really not just an expression?


Is it just me or are my dialogues becoming more repetitive?? My chapters are getting crappier, I'm sorry😭💔
Merry Christmas Everyone, I'm sorry for updating such a sad story on a day where we're all supposed to be happy..
I have deep PCD because of the GOT7 fanmeet last week, and I feel like I was so fucking rude and attention-seeking to JackBam because I kept calling Bam until he would look at me while he and Jacks were talking😭 I feel so guilty, I'm crying😭😭💔💔💔

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