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Yugyeom regrets it. 

He shouldn't have agreed to dance against her. She's an absolutely amazing dancer, her body moves like it's fluid, and he can slowly feel his confidence level going down.


Kunpimook's standing beside him, arms crossed over his chest as he silently watches her dance freestyle to the pop music that they have played for her. Everybody else is watching, too, and she is the only one dancing in the center now. Yugyeom actually shouldn't be saying this as he's going to dance against her, but dancing alone somehow makes this girl look even more talented.

His heart suddenly starts to beat faster, and his palms start to sweat. What the hell is he doing, he's going to fucking embarrass himself in front of all these people!

She finishes her freestyle dance with a graceful bow, the one that a ballerina does, and everyone starts clapping and cheering for her. She's obviously known as an amazing dancer between all of these people, Kunpimook included, seeing as he's also clapping for her.

Smiling slightly, Kunpimook turns to him and reaches over, hand brushing past his gently as he mouths 'Good luck.'

Yugyeom's damn grateful. He really needs the luck.

Momo is smirking at him when she returns to them and Yugyeom gets even more nervous. She knows she's good, and she really is good, so at this moment, Yugyeom is honestly screaming at himself and questioning why he even agreed to all this.

Kunpimook gives him a little push from the back, and he stumbles a bit to the center of the room. He can hear a few muffled giggles from the people watching. Yugyeom feels like burrowing himself into a hole in the floor and staying there forever.

He can't fucking do this.

"Kim Yugyeom, good luck!"

He suddenly hears Kunpimook's voice call out loudly for him, breaking the silence of the room for a short moment before his favorite song starts playing through the speakers. A little bit of his confidence returns.

Then, he just lets his body take over for the duration of the song, closing his eyes for a moment to forget the number of people in the room and imagining that he and Kunpimook are in his studio, just the two of them. When he opens his eyes, his gaze immediately falls on Kunpimook, who gives him an encouraging smile and lets out a loud whoop.

"You're doing great, Yug!"

With his eyes only on the Thai boy, he continues to dance, and the end of the song comes much too quickly for his liking. He loves it when Kunpimook is cheering for him. It makes him feel a little less like a useless bum and more like he's actually doing something in his life.

To his surprise, though, almost right at the moment the song ends, another one immediately plays and he scans the room, feet still moving in a complicated house dance. He sees Kunpimook at the controls and he can't help but smile. Kunpimook really knows him well. He even played the song that Yugyeom loved the most and had the most confidence in dancing to.

Yugyeom's confidence level is full now, and for sure, it's thanks to Kunpimook.

By the time the song finishes, Yugyeom is panting hard and he feels like he's about to drop to the floor any moment, but Kunpimook surprises him by running directly to him and throwing his arms around him in a tight hug.

"I told them so. You're the best dancer I know. Now they know it, too."

Yugyeom can't hide the grin forming on his face as he hugs Kunpimook back. But Kunpimook pulls away too soon than Yugyeom is used to and circles his long fingers around Yugyeom's wrist, dragging him back to Momo and Jungyeon.

Jungyeon is only staring at him, slightly open-mouthed, and Momo's eyes are wide as they come nearer. "Close your mouth, Jungyeon, flies will come in." Kunpimook laughs, "I told you guys Yugyeom's the best."

She quickly closes her mouth, rolling her eyes at him but nods at his statement. Momo's expression is still unreadable, though, but after a few moments of merely staring at Yugyeom, he's surprised to see her nod.

"He is great, but that doesn't mean I'm giving up my title as the best dancer." Momo shrugs.

"Yugyeom rightly deserves it, though?" Kunpimook raises his eyebrows, but they all know he's just kidding.

"Nah," Momo shakes her head, chuckling. "He's nowhere close to my level."

Kunpimook only laughs and slings his arm over her shoulder, fingers loosening on Yugyeom's wrist and Yugyeom tries not to frown at his action. Kunpimook is just being friendly, like he always does. He's not like other guys, he doesn't like Momo. "Whatever floats your boat, Hirai. But aren't I already past your level if Yugyeom is nowhere near it?"

Momo slaps his arm away, and Jungyeon mutters something under her breath about getting a drink. Kunpimook pretends to be hurt by her slap, and Yugyeom is just standing there silently, trying to persuade himself that Kunpimook is only being friendly to Momo, and that his cheekiness is not an effect of him liking her or anything. That Kunpimook only loves him.

He doesn't know why, but he can't seem to make himself believe it.

He's not dancing anymore, but his confidence level drops to an all time low.


So as you can see, chapters will be short and or vary depending on how long I feel like making it.
Hope you guys will enjoy this story :) Don't forget to leave your feedback~
And thank you so so much for all the votes and readsㅜㅜ It's only been two weeks since I posted the first part but there are already 26 votes and almost 200 readsㅜㅜ Thank you so muchㅜㅜ

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