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Yugyeom doesn't know what hurts more: the fact that he just broke up with the love of his life or the fact that Kunpimook sneaked back in just to get all his stuff and leave. Well, maybe it's the second because when he went back in, he just left a note and that was it.

No verbal farewell, no sight or touch, no nothing. Just... Goodbye.

And what makes it worse is that, it was just written in Kunpimook's tiny cramped handwriting on a blue post it stuck on the nearest lamp to the door.

It's like Kunpimook is trying to make a point to him, too, that he, Kunpimook Bhuwakul, is now totally leaving Kim Yugyeom alone.

It's sad, really.

Depressing even.

Every single day, Chaeyoung and or Dahyun makes a point to come visit him and help him go with them to the dance studio even though they know full well he won't able to dance. (Besides, Yugyeom insisted on it. How could they say no?)

Despite them being together every single day, though, they still don't know he and Kunpimook have broken up. Yugyeom doesn't think he can tell them already even though they are already starting to notice Kunpimook's absence from the apartment.

"Where's your boyfriend, Yugyeom?"

"He's out doing some important stuff."

"Are you sure you'll be okay on your own until he gets back?"

"Yeah. Of course."

Of course he'll be okay until Kunpimook gets back, he has to. Because Kunpimook will probably never come back anymore, and Yugyeom doubts that he's still thinking of him.

He's spending most of his time these days talking with Jungyeon about everything and anything except Momo and Kunpimook. The subject of those two are like curses to them, when it starts, they can't speak about anything else anymore.

Yugyeom hates it. He loves Kunpimook so fucking much that he honestly thinks he could die for him, even if they aren't together anymore.

Also, Yugyeom has spent nearly half his life with Kunpimook and they've been through so much together that Yugyeom can easily say that he is his everything, even if he isn't Kunpimook's everything anymore.

It's been a week now and Yugyeom thinks he is starting to get over Kunpimook (actually just a little bit, but even a little bit is good compared to nothing at all, right?) but just like everyone else in the world, he never gets what he wants. Fate never gives him a chance to move on from Kunpimook.

Because Kunpimook has just decided at that moment to post on Instagram a photo of him with his arm around Momo's shoulder with the caption 'with ma girl~;) <3'

If caption's not making it obvious enough that he ultimately chooses Momo over Yugyeom, he doesn't what is.


A month and a half later, we have Kim Yugyeom with a nearly fully healed ankle who has  finally managed to convince Howon to let him dance in the postponed-for-whatever-reason-but-Yugyeom's-grateful-about-it-anyway competition.

Heartbroken still, but ecstatic to start dancing again.

He doesn't even have to learn the entire choreography again because from all the watching that he has been doing for the past six weeks, he has managed to learn the dance all by himself. He even knows how to do the footwork without actually doing it.

"Are you really sure you'll be okay, though?" Natty asks him again, kneeling down by his legs to poke at his ankle.

Yugyeom jerks it away from her, almost letting out a hiss of pain, but he nods in reply to her question. "I'm sure. And it's next week already, right? Let's get practicing!"

"Are you sure, Yug? Positive?" This time, it's Chaeyoung who speaks up, standing up again after retying her shoelaces to prevent them from possibly tripping her later.

He leans down, touching his ankle gently with the tips of his fingers and shutting his eyes closed before looking up again and nodding. He pushes himself to stand up on his own, and almost stumbles forward from the weight of his entire body onto his healing ankle, but he fortunately manages to catch himself before he falls.


He glances up at look Chaeyoung in the eyes; she's shaking her head, that no, he can't dance like this even if Howon has finally told him that he can because he's simply tired of how repetitive and annoying Yugyeom is becoming.

"Don't worry, Chae, I can dance. This is nothing."

Somehow, Yugyeom manages to make himself believe it, too.

He's definitely not going to let a best friend slash ex boyfriend and a stupid broken-healing ankle get in the way of what he wants to do. If Kunpimook wants to be with Momo, then he'll fucking let him.

And then that night, Jungyeon calls him up at around an hour past midnight, sounding like she has just finished crying from the way she breathes and speaks. Yugyeom sits straight up on his bed, immediately wide awake.

"Jungyeon, are you okay?"

"She-she just told m-me. I-I d-didn't want to believe i-it, Yugyeom."

With that, he suddenly feels like he knows what she's talking about, and he wants to hang up the call right then and there. He hasn't talked to Kunpimook in a long time, but apparently, he and Momo have been talking to Jungyeon.

"They're really together now, aren't they?" Yugyeom asks slowly, his voice having dropped to a low whisper, and then, Jungyeon cries even more. He doesn't need any other answer; the flood that he's been holding back for so long finally breaks through the dam.


I still can't believe the last update got 40+ comments.. And that it's almost 2017.. Well, time to let go and forget about all the bad stuff :')
Oh, and why do most of you guys think I'm around 15-19? Do I write like I'm at that age?😂 I'm just 14, turning 15 next year!😂 So... If you don't know yet, where do you guys think I'm from?

Fly : YugBamOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant