Chapter 30: Brothers

Start from the beginning

"JUST STOP," I yelled, making them both pause in place, "I DON'T WANT EITHER OF YOU! NOT IF IT'S GOING TO BE LIKE THIS!!!"

Ryan fixed his hair, and wiped blood from the gash on his face. Colin pulled down his shirt, and exchanged an evil look with Ryan.

"Are you happy now Colin? Look what you did," Ryan said, gesturing towards me.

"You were never going to have her anyway," Colin spat, gritting his teeth, "you're worthless Ryan, I don't know how I ended up with a brother like you.

Ryan did a pissed off laughed, "hey, remember when I asked for your opinion? ME NEITHER!" He shrugged.

Colin ignored his remark, "Savannah, I didn't say anything about our night together because I was afraid of how I felt... "

My eyes shifted to Ryan who was obviously frustrated.

"He's just saying that to—"

"I LOVE YOU," he said, catching my attention once more, "I knew it from the time we spent the night together on the Jolly Roger. I was blinded by my love for Jennifer at the time, but deep down I always knew... Savannah, I think you're the one..."

My mouth was slightly open from where my jaw dropped. I guess part of me always knew we had a connection, but I never knew he felt it too.

"I didn't sleep with Jen because—"

"Because I walked in on them—"

"I WOULDN'T have slept with her anyway... all I could think about was you. I didn't want to admit it to myself because every time I have feelings for someone, they never feel the same way—"

"Apparently Jen did," I retorted

Colin sighed and walked towards me, "She didn't know what she was doing, she was overcome with jealousy... Ryan is not the guy for you—"

"Colin isn't either," Ryan stated, putting his hands on his hips.

"Yeah— well— you know what? Why don't you just save your breath Ryan, you'll probably need it to blow up your next date."

"I'd tell you to go fuck yourself, but that'd be cruel and unusual punishment—"

"Ryan," I interrupted, "can we all just—"

"NO," he said, cutting me off, " you know what Savannah? Last night, when you said it was 'just sex' ... that hurt me—"

"She said it was just sex?" Colin questioned, as smirk crept onto his face.

"Hey," Ryan said hopefully, " if I throw a stick, you'll leave right?"

I couldn't help but laugh, and with the look on Ryan's face, even Colin couldn't stop himself from smiling.

"I have actual feelings for you—"

"How can I trust you?"

"I don't play about who I love. I told you, I love my children, I love you, hell I even love Colin, but I don't love my wife. I've told her that to her face—"

"Ryan that's not—"

"I know it's terrible, but she was terrible to me. I'm just telling you, I don't lie about this kind of stuff. I'm a faithful man to the people I care about. Now I'm not asking you to choose anyone, because that's all up to you, but I just wanted you to hear my side of things..."

There was a long silence, and I didn't know how to respond.

"I think it's best if I go now..." Ryan said, walking towards Colin to give him a hug, "I'm sorry it came to this."

"Me too..."

He grabbed his keys, and walked out of the house.

"Colin I'm sorry you—"

He leaned in and kissed me, "I don't care what you do... You want to be with my brother? That's fine. All I want is for you to be happy Savannah... If I had to choose between breathing and loving you, I would use my last breath to tell you how much I do."

A tear rolled down my cheek, and Colin pulled me in for a warm embrace.

"I didn't think you had feelings for me," I stuttered, "If I would've known—"

"Shhh," he whispered, combing his fingers through my hair.

"Colin, I l—"

"Don't say it..." He stopped me, pulling back and putting a finger to my lips, "don't say it unless you absolutely mean it..."

"You said it—"

"I meant it, Savannah I can forget my very existence in a deep kiss with you... I don't know how heaven was when you left, or how got here with me, or what time you have to be back, but you're the one I want to spend my life with, until the day you decide to leave me.."

He wiped away the rest of my tears and kissed my forehead, as tears began streaming down his face as well.

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