Ziam :: Truly, Madly, Deeply (Part Two)

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Liam woke up feeling odd and slightly alone. He was in his bed, but he swore he fell asleep on the couch, pressed flush into Zayn's side. And it was perfect. He felt perfect. He knew he kept Zayn over last night. He knew it. Did Zayn leave?

Liam rolled over, feeling disappointed. He almost screamed, then, because Zayn was right there, laying on his side with one hand tucked under the side of his head. He realized he was mirroring Zayn right now, in the exact same position. He smiled. So Zayn had stayed, and he'd even carried Liam upstairs to bed. Liam's heart skipped a beat.

Is this real? Liam asked himself. Was this just one of those sleepless nights? He's pictured this before, Zayn sleeping next to him. He looked just as beautiful as he'd pictured. It felt pretty real, though. Maybe he was daydreaming again.

Liam pinched himself, biting his lip against the hiss of pain that wanted to escape. Well, he wasn't dreaming if the whole "pinch yourself if you think you're asleep and you'll wake up if you are" thing actually worked. Liam shifted, but he found his and Zayn's legs were tangled under the sheets. How he hadn't noticed, what with him flipping over and probably shifting his legs to be in Zayn's then, didn't make sense to Liam. But he didn't try to make up a logical answer for it, because he was just happy it happened. Him and Zayn, tangled up like branches on a tree- close together but no so much that it was strangling, if that made any sense.

Liam was careful as he shifted again, then he stopped. He realized, suddenly, that Zayn's face was simply inches from his, and if he leaned in the slightest bit, their lips would be touching. Liam thought about all those days and weeks and months he's been craving a kiss from Zayn, and how dumb he felt for thinking about him. Think about Liam, and think about Zayn. Zayn was out of his league. Zayn was perfect, and Liam was far from it.

Liam sighed. He shifted again, this time freeing his legs from Zayn's. Zayn didn't stir, much less woke, and Liam smiled. Good. He threw he blankets off of him and stood up. His feet were covered with socks he didn't remember putting on.

Liam shuffled downstairs quietly and put the coffee pot on. He racked his brain, trying to remember if Zayn liked coffee. Yes. Of course. All of them liked coffee- except for Harry. How much sugar? Liam couldn't remember. It was pretty similar to his, but he couldn't remember if Zayn liked a little more or a little less. It was one or the other, and Liam couldn't remember.

Liam decided just to make Zayn's exactly like his, that way, he wouldn't mess up completely one way, he'd just be smack in the middle and, no, it wouldn't be right, but Liam was sure Zayn wouldn't care all that much. Maybe he wouldn't care at all.

So Liam made two cups of identical coffee and took them upstairs. He put his down, then he put Zayn's down and shuffled back downstairs, grabbing some bread and making toast. Maybe Zayn would want breakfast. Two piece of toast wrapped in a napkin to keep warm was hardly breakfast, but it would do. Liam wanted to wake Zayn up himself, and he had to do so before the smell of coffee did it for him. He didn't have time to make a full meal.

Liam shuffled back upstairs, quicker this time, louder this time. When he entered the room, he smiled upon discovering that Zayn was still asleep. He walked further into the room, not having to hardly pick up his feet now that he was on carpet and wouldn't make that much noise. He shut his bedroom door behind him and picked up Zayn's coffee (which was really just the coffee on the left, he hadn't fucking labeled the cups).

"Zayn," Liam said softly. It didn't take too much to wake Zayn up. Liam knew Zayn wouldn't wake up just to the smell of coffee in a matter of two minutes, but he also knew it wouldn't take a marching band to wake him up. "Zayn?"

"Mmm." Zayn moaned, rolling over to be on his back. He rubbed his eyes before he opened them, something he always did. He opened his eyes, then, only to find Liam standing over him, a napkin and a cup in his hand.

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