Nouis :: Beautiful

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Louis kind of had a heart attack when he woke up. Niall wasn't next to him, or in the bathroom, or anywhere, really. He searched the entire house in his boxers. Niall . . . Niall wasn't there.

Louis hated it. Niall's depression. All of it came from the fame. The hate, the pressure, the- everything. Niall just wasn't a happy little snowflake anymore. Louis was so upset.

Some people called him fat, so he stopped eating. Some people said he couldn't sing, so he stopped singing and began just playing guitar. Some people called him ugly so he began covering his face. Some people said they didn't like his voice, so he stopped talking to anyone but Louis.

Louis tried so hard to help him, but to no avail. Niall didn't seem to listen anymore. He wanted to put Niall in therapy but Niall didn't want to go. He had to do something-

Louis' phone began blowing up, audibly, and they were all messages from the guys and direct messages on Twitter. What's going on?

He clicked on his latest direct message. It was from a girl called Robin.

Louis! Niall's on top of a building! He's on the edge and I think he's going to jump!

There was a picture, then. It was a photo the girl must have taken. It was blurry, but it was definitely Niall. He had his hood up and he seemed to be crying.

Another message from the same girl appeared.

We've called the police and they're trying to get him down but I think he keeps threatening to jump if they get closer. What do we do??

Louis threw his phone down and ran. He didn't know where he was going and thank god he'd at least put some sweatpants on. He threw on a sweater he managed to grab on his way out.

There was a lot of commotion outside. The building was just a few streets away. Louis could see it from here. So he ran. He ran and ran and ran. He slipped through everyone surrounding the building quite easily and got inside in no time. He kept running, up the stairs- there was no fucking time for the elevator- and to the roof.

Three police officers stood a few feet away from Niall, coaxing him down. One of them was using a fucking megaphone.

"Niall!" Louis pushed past the officers. Niall turned, meeting Louis' eyes. "Niall?"

Niall's eyes were distant and filled with tears. He still had his hood up. His legs were shaking and he was much too close to the edge of the building for Louis' comfort.

"Niall," Louis said softly. "Niall, baby, come here. Please. Come here."

Louis held out his arms. With shaking legs and hands, Niall stepped forward. He stepped forward again and again until he was stepping off the ledge and into Louis' arms.

Louis held him tight, batting away the officers who tried to take him away. They probably wanted him to go to the hospital. Louis kept Niall in his arms, though. Niall was sobbing so much he couldn't even speak.

"Niall," Louis' voice trembled. "Niall, it's okay. I've got you now, I'm right here. Look at me, Ni, I'm here."

"Louis." Niall choked out. "I-I was so scared. I didn't want to leave you I don't know what I was thinking-"

"Hey, hey, hey," Louis pulled Niall away, looking into his eyes. "it's okay, Ni. Look at me, I'm here now. You don't have to be scared anymore."

Niall nodded. Louis pressed a soft kiss to his lips, pulling him back into a hug. "We're gonna get you some help, okay?"

Niall didn't have the strength to protest. He just nodded and let Louis lead him off the building, down to ground level. The fans didn't crown them- didn't even take pictures or scream. They just made a path and sighed in relief as they realized Niall was okay. They even cooed at the adorable couple walking away.

Not a single fan followed them home.


- Ten Months Later -

Niall was a healthy 137 pounds. He smiled more, sang more, even jumped around more. He jumped straight into Louis' arms the day he got out of therapy and they kissed like they never had before. It was a happy kiss. Niall was happy, and that's all Louis needed to make him happy.

Louis didn't freak out when Niall wasn't beside him in the morning anymore. He just got up, stretched, got dressed, and wandered around the house until he found Niall- usually in the kitchen or living room.

He found Niall in the kitchen today, in fact. He was stood by the toaster, putting bread in it. Louis wrapped his arms around Niall's waist, kissing his neck.

"Morning." Louis smiled, leaning his chin against Niall's shoulder. Niall blinked sleepily and smiled.

"Morning." Niall leaned back, placing his head on Louis' shoulder. Louis kissed his neck and Niall giggled.

"How do you feel?" Louis asked Niall this every morning, just to be sure Niall was alright. He had to. He didn't feel right if he didn't know.

"Tired." Niall chuckled. He looked tired, that's for sure. He shrugged. "I'm alright, I guess."

"You guess?" Louis raised an eyebrow. Niall hadn't said that since he got out of therapy a few weeks ago. "What do you mean you-"

"I'm just hungry, Lou." Niall said. He smiled, turning around in Louis' arms so now he was facing him. "Don't worry. I'm okay."

"Okay." Louis pressed a kiss to his lips. "You know I can't help but be worried about you. I-I love you, Niall."

"I love you too." Niall said. They were about to kiss against but the toast popped out of the toaster and they both jumped then laughed. Louis let go of Niall so he could get his toast.

Louis was happy that Niall was alright now.

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