Niam :: Enchanted (Part 2)

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Louis and Harry were sat in Harry's flat, sprawled out together on the couch. It was early, around seven, but neither of them had it in themselves to get up.

Louis kept thinking about Niall. Niall. He'd been so different since that night. He didn't eat, sleep, laugh, smile, or even talk as much as he used to. Louis knew why.

Liam. He missed Liam. Sure, it was only one night, but there was definitely something there. Niall wasn't depressed or anything, he was just different. Louis would be the same way if he never saw Harry again.

"Hazza?" Louis looked up at Harry, who was his boyfriend, now. "Do you remember that party? The one we met at?"

"Of course." Harry chuckled. "It was only a month ago, and surely I wouldn't forget when and where I met my boyfriend."

Louis smiled. "Do you remember Niall? The boy I came in with? You've never met him, but-"

"Niall?" Harry's eyes widened, and he sat up suddenly. "You know a Niall?"

"Uh, yeah." Louis said, confused. He sat up as well, has back aching from his awkward position. "He's my best friend."

"What does he look like?" Harry seemed all too excited by this. Louis was wondering if he should start getting jealous. "Blonde? Irish? Blue eyes?"

"Yeah, that's Niall." Louis said, nodding. He was confused. Harry hadn't even met Niall, only seen him for a second, then from a distance. How did he know what Niall looked like?

"Niall!" Harry shouted suddenly, and Louis jumped. "Oh my god, you know Niall! Shit, I've got to call Liam."

"Liam?" Louis asked as Harry picked up his phone. "You know a Liam?"

"Yes." Harry said, dialing a number. "He never, ever shuts up about Niall. He wants to see Niall again so badly-"

"Niall's the same way." Louis said. A smile spread across his face. "He's so desperate to see Liam again."

"This is great." Harry said, smiling. He hit 'call' and they both waited patiently for Liam to pick up the phone.

"Harry," Liam groaned. "it is seven o'clock in the morning. I'm fine."

"That's not what I was going to ask you." Harry said defensively, and Louis chuckled, though he couldn't hear what Liam was saying.

"What do you want, Harry?" Liam sighed. He sat up, rubbing the back of his hand across his eyes.

"I need you to come over." Harry said. Louis picked up his phone, texting Niall Harry's address and a quick 'Get over here, now. It's important.'

"Is it important?" Liam asked. He didn't want to get out of bed. He didn't want to do anything.

"Yes, very important." Harry said. Liam lived down the block, so it wouldn't be long until he got here. "Hurry!"

He hung up after that, sitting back and waiting for Liam to show up. "Thank god you know Niall. Liam hasn't been the same since that night. He misses Niall so much. He said he even regrets not kissing him while he could."

"Really?" Louis asked, surprised. "Niall said the same exact thing. I messaged him, by the way. He'll be over soon."

"Our poor boys," Harry said. "I've been so worried about Liam. It'll be nice to see him smile again."

"I know what you mean." Louis said. The door opened, suddenly, and Liam came in, shutting the door behind him.

"What?" Liam asked, staring at Harry. He glanced at Louis and smiled softly. "Oh, hi. Who's this?"

"Remember I told you about my boyfriend, Li?" Harry took Louis' hand. "This is him."

"I'm Louis." Louis reached a hand out, over the back of the couch, and Liam shook it. "Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you, too." Liam smiled. He sat down, tucking his hands under his legs. "Harry talks a lot about you."

"I talk a lot about him, too." Louis smiled. He jumped when someone knocked on the door.

Harry smirked at Louis, getting up to answer it. Niall rushed in, looking frantic and messy. "I-I came as soon as I got your text. What hap-"

Niall cut off when he caught sight of Liam. Liam stared at him with wide eyes, standing up quickly. "L-Liam?"

"Niall!" Liam smiled. Harry stepped away from the door. Liam rushed forward, grabbing the blonde boy in his arms. "I thought I'd never see you again."

Niall hugged Liam tightly, burying his face in Liam's neck. His heart was beating rather quickly. "I didn't think I'd see you, either."

Harry smiled at the pair, inching away until he was next to Louis, who was stood up by the arm of the couch.

Niall and Liam held onto each other for a good two minutes before they finally pulled away. Liam grabbed Niall's face, pushing their lips together. Harry and Louis began laughing, but neither boy noticed, too caught up in each other to even care.

"I missed you." Niall muttered, blushing. Liam chuckled, kissing Niall's nose.

"I missed you too." Liam ran his thumbs over Niall's pink cheeks, loving how soft they felt to the touch.

"Come on, love birds." Louis teased, winking at the pair. "Let's watch a film."

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