Niam :: You Belong With Me

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"Sophia," Liam groaned, frustrated. He didn't make jokes often, but when he did, his girlfriend flipped out because they were so 'offensive'. "it was a joke!"

"I don't care!" Sophia shouted back, venom I'm her voice. "It was cruel and stupid. God, Liam!"

"Sophia, you're not supposed to take it seriously! I didn't mean it! It-"

Niall walked into the room all of a sudden, holding a basket overflowing with clothes. "Do you have any dirty-"

Niall paused, a look of shock on his face. "I- I'm sorry, I didn't know you'd be on the phone. I'll- I'll go."

"Liam! Are you even listening t-" Sophia's voice was cut off as Liam hug up the phone. He was so sick of Sophia taking everything so seriously.

"It's fine," Liam said. He stood up, beginning to gather all of his dirty clothes off the floor. "It was just Sophia."

"How is she?" Niall asked as Liam began putting clothes in the heavy basket he was carrying. "I haven't seen her in a while."

"She's stuck-up and way too serious to be human." Liam muttered. Niall wished he could reach out to pat his buddy's shoulder (sympathetically), but he couldn't with the laundry basket in his hands.

"I'm sorry, Liam." Niall said, bringing his knee up to bump the underside of the basket when it began to slip. He got a better grip on it.

"I'm thinking about breaking up with her when I see her again." Liam said, throwing a few dirty pairs of socks in the basket. "I'd really hate to do it over the phone."

"You're really sweet Liam." Niall said, because he knew if he had a girlfriend like Liam's, he'd settle for breaking up with her over a text message or even a fucking tweet.

"Thanks." Liam muttered. "Here, let me take that for you. I'll do laundry today- you did it last time."

"Oh, thanks." Niall said, then he chuckled. "I actually didn't do it, Harry did. I'm shit when it comes to starting the washer."

Liam chuckled, walking past Niall and heading towards the laundry room. Niall followed him there, hands in his pockets. It seemed like Liam needed someone to talk to. The older boy was tense, and Niall knew him well enough to know he was either in an awkward situation or upset when he was so tense (and Niall didn't think he was awkward, so yeah- the latter).

Liam placed the basket on the floor and began to load the washer. He didn't really look at Niall until the blonde boy sat on the dryer.

"Do you want to tell me what happened?" Niall asked, placing his hands on the edge of the machine he was sat on.

"Well, I was just trying to tell Sophia a joke, since we were out today." Liam said. "And she absolutely flipped out!"

Liam continued to load the washer, frowning. Niall bit his lip, because he wasn't great with advice. "Ma-maybe it's better you're breaking up with her?"

It sounded mean, but Niall was glad Liam was breaking up with her. It wasn't because he didn't like Sophia (well, he didn't, actually), but he had a bit of a crush on his best friend. He's had it for two years, so no, it's not just a phase.

"It is, actually." Liam said. He put detergent over the clothes and closed the top of the washer, turning a few knobs and pressing a button. The washer started. "I like someone else, anyhow."

"Oh," Niall tried to not sound upset. He tried to be happy for his best friend (which he was, actually, because Liam could do so much better than Sophia). "Who is she?"

Liam shook his head, a small smirk on his face. "Well, he's not a girl. I'm so done with girls."

Liam rolled his eyes. "Every single girl 

I've dated has been so difficult to be with."

"D-Danielle?" Niall asked, raising an eyebrow. The two of them seemed so in love when they were together. It was so shocking when they broke up.

"I do miss Danielle." Liam muttered, and for a terrifying moment, Niall thought Liam was going to start crying.

"You- you like a boy, then?" Niall asked. Liam looked up, a small smile on his face.

"Well," Liam started, his voice nervous. "It's not a really great way to come out-"

"Boys," Niall blurted, and Liam's face showed confusion for a few moments. "I- I like boys, too."

Liam smiled, amused. Niall blushed, because that wasn't meant to come out. "That's good, then."

Niall was confused for a moment, then Liam's lips were on his and he closed his eyes, no longer confused.

He wrapped his arms around Liam's neck and Liam shifted so he was between Niall's legs, his arms around his waist.

"Oh," Niall said when they pulled away from each other. "I-I- okay. So you- do you like me, then?"

Now Niall was being awkward, but Liam wasn't tense. "Yes, Niall. I like you."

"Good." Niall said, pulling Liam in for another kiss before any more confusion could come out of their situation. "I like you, too."

"Good." Liam agreed. He pulled Niall in for mother kiss, and that was the end of confusion for them.

"This could be considered cheating, you know." Niall teased. "You haven't technically broken up with Sophia yet."

"Oh, well." Liam said, smiling. "Maybe she'll think it's a joke when I tell her I'm cheating on her."

Niall and Liam both laughed at that.

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