Lirry :: I Miss You

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Harry hasn't talked to Liam for weeks, and to say he was scared was an understatement. He was absolutely terrified. He was so scared it hurt.

Liam was in the military. They didn't talk much, but Liam called him every week- no matter what. They were able to Skype every month or two.

Harry and Liam have been apart for three years. Harry was almost done with his last year of university. He and Liam have been dating ever since they were in high school.

Harry wants Liam to be there for his graduation. He just wants Liam around, actually. He wants Liam back so bad. He misses Liam more than he can even think about. It hurts just how much he misses his lover.

He hurts when he lays down to sleep, too.


It's morning. Seven o'clock in the morning. Harry's roommate, Zayn, isn't there. He must have gone down for breakfast or something like that.

Harry's about to get up when his phone rings. He makes a quick grab for it and answers without even looking to see who it was, because he knew it was Liam. It had to be Liam.

"H-hello?" Harry stutters out. He's smiling, because he's just so happy Liam's finally calling.

"Hello, Mr. Styles." The voice that answers back is sad and professional and so not Liam's. Harry's smiled drops.

"Hello," Harry says, confused and a bit disappointed. He stands up after throwing the blanket off of his legs. "who is this?"

"My name is Adam." The man said. "I was told to call you if this were to happen?"

"What?" Harry asked. His heartbeat picked up, and he began pacing. "What happened?"

"Our fellow solider, Liam Payne, has died." Adam said. Harry froze, shutting down almost immediately. No. No, no, no, no, no.

"No." Harry said, shaking his head in denial. "N-no, he can't be dead. He- he can't be. L-Liam."

Harry broke down, sobbing into his hand. He threw the phone down and collapsed, sobbing, to the floor.

Liam was dead.


"Harry!" Zayn shouted, attempting to shake the younger boy awake. Harry had been crying and screaming in his sleep. He gave Zayn a bloody heart attack. "Harry, wake up, you're dreaming! Wake up!

Harry did. He sat up quickly, panting and crying. He looked around the dark room, eyes wide. "L-Liam, no- L-Liam."

"Hey," Zayn whispered. Harry looked over to him. "you were dreaming. Liam's okay. Everything's fine."

Harry let out a sob of relief, falling into Zayn's arms. Oh god. Oh thank fucking god. Harry was thinking. Liam's okay. He's okay.


Harry was sat in the only class he had with Zayn. His mind was distant, thinking about how he wishes Liam would just call him. He needed some real reassurance, because he didn't actually know if Liam was alive or not.

Harry was doodling in his notebook, even though he was supposed to be taking notes.

There was a sudden knock on the classroom door. Everyone looked up except for Harry, who didn't even hear the knock. He also didn't hear the collective gasp that spread through the room. He do notice when his pen flew across his paper, though, because something hit his arm.

Harry looked up, frowning. Zayn had hit his arm. Of course. Of course Zayn would ruin his drawing of an army jacket. Of course.

"Look, Harry." Zayn pointed towards the door. So Harry looked. He turned around and he looked, and he was so fucking happy he did.

Liam. Liam was standing near the doorway in his uniform, hands in his pockets. He was smiling at Harry with that stupid perfect smile, while all Harry could do was sit there and gale at him.

Suddenly, he wasn't sitting. He was running. Running, running, running straight into Liam's arms.

"Liam." Harry sobbed out, clutching Liam tight. Liam wrapped his arms around Harry, pressing a kiss to the top of his head, burying his chin on Harry's soft curls.

"I hate you." Harry sobbed out, holding Liam close. "Fuck, Liam, I missed you so much. I-I haven't heard from you in two weeks, I-I thought you were dead and I had a bad dream and I just wanted to know you were okay and I wanted you to hold me, a-and-"

"Harry," Liam whispered, pulling away to look at the younger boy, who was crying, now. "Baby, I'm sorry. I'm okay. I'm right here, Haz. I'm right here."

Harry sniffled, pulling Liam back into a hug. Liam held him tight and they both smiled, equally happy to be in each other's arms. "I love you so much.

"I love you, too." Liam pulled back and pressed his lips to Harry's. They kissed for much longer than they probably should have in front of other people, but nobody seemed to mind. Harry and Liam just didn't care.

"You look tired." Liam murmured, his eyes closed, his forehead pressed to Harry's. Harry's eyes were closed, too.

"I am tired." Harry said. "I had a bad dream last night. Some guy called and told me you died."

"Well I'm fine." Liam said, and Harry smiled, because he was fine. Liam was here- he was alive. And Harry was happy.

"I know." Harry smiled. "I'm fine now, too."

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