Narry :: One More Night

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Harry woke up to a weight on his chest. He opened his eyes, cursing when he realized he'd forgotten to close the curtains last night. Stupid sun.

He looked down at the blonde boy laying on his chest. Memories of last night flooded his thoughts and he felt so horrible, but so amazing at the same time. Fuck.

"Niall," He groaned to himself. Why had he stayed with him last night? There was no denying what they'd done. They were both completely naked under the covers, their clothes scattered all over the floor. "Shit."

He promised himself he'd stop seeing Niall like this. It wasn't good for either of them. He didn't love Niall, but Niall loved him and- god, Harry didn't want to hurt him. They fought all the fucking time, too. They may as well hate each other.

"Niall, wake up." Harry shook him awake. Niall looked up, his eyes heavy, and smiled, leaning up to press a kiss to Harry's lips. Harry didn't pull away. He should have.

"Morning." Niall said, a bright smile on his soft lips. Harry made the mistake of looking down at them and he couldn't help but kiss them again. God dammit.

"Good morning." Harry smiled back. He sat up, and pulling Niall up with him. He noticed how Niall shifted slightly. Yeah, maybe he should have gone easier on Niall last night. He was upset at him last night, though. He can't remember why. Maybe he was upset at himself. "Do you want breakfast?"

"Yeah," Niall said. He got out of bed and got dressed. Harry struggled to turn his eyes away from Niall's god-like body. It, like something else, was very hard.

Harry got dressed while Niall wasn't looking, hoping his problem would go away. He walked down to the kitchen, Niall following behind, limping slightly.

Niall sat down at the counter, doing something on his phone as Harry cooked. He shifted about eight times before he found a comfortable way to sit.

Harry and Niall lived together, but they weren't in a relationship. They were both really complicated so they fit together pretty well.

Maybe that's why Harry never left. They fit together too well to be apart, even though they fought all too much.

No. Harry thought, setting Niall's plate in front of him, kissing Niall's cheek as the blonde boy thanked him. I'll only stay with him one more night.


Harry and Niall went to a club that night and, no, it probably wasn't the best idea in the world, but they were 'best friends' so they thought it was.

Harry was sat at the bar, waiting for Niall to come back from the bathroom. He'd been gone for a while and was wondering if he should go check on the shorter boy when he spotted him, a few seats over, talking to a blushing blonde girl.

What the fuck? Harry thought. Niall was supposed to be in the god damned bathroom! Was he just gonna leave Harry here worried sick while he talked to some fucking bimbo?

Harry almost went over to pull Niall away, but he couldn't. He wasn't Niall's boyfriend, but if he started making out with her or something like that, all hell would break lose.

Neither of them wanted that to happen. Not here, not now. Not in public.


"We're supposed to be committed to each other!" Harry shouted. It wasn't true, actually, and he didn't even want to be with Niall, but he was so pissed off. "Why were you chatting that girl up?!"

It was some things that Niall did that made Harry just want to love him, but he couldn't love Niall because all either of them ever did was hurt each other.

"No, we're not committed to each other!" Niall shouted. He looked so hot when he was mad, his cheeks slightly red, eyebrows furrowed, the look in has eyes, and- yeah, okay, maybe Harry wanted to be with him- but he couldn't! "I don't know when you decided commitment was a given thing."

Harry just stared at him for a moment. Niall had a good point. It wasn't a given thing. "It just hurts, okay, Niall? It just . . . hurts."

Niall felt his anger wavering, but he couldn't back down. Harry had no reason to try to control him. "Well, it shouldn't. You don't love me, and I-I don't love you."

They both knew the last part was a lie, but only Harry knew the first part probably was at this point. Probably? No, it was a lie. He loved Niall.

"I love your body," Harry stepped forward, wrapping his arms around Niall's waist. He placed his chin in Niall's hair. "I love it so much."

It was only a half-lie. Harry really did love Niall's body, but that wasn't the only thing he loved about Niall.

"Of course you do," Strangely, Niall wasn't offended. If anything, he was flattered. He pressed a kiss to Harry's exposed collar bone. "I love yours, too."

Niall hit Harry's sweet spot and Harry had to hold back a moan. Niall knew every spot on Harry's skin that would make him go weak at the knees. Harry knew Niall's weak spots, too. They knew each other's bodies all too well for being 'best friends'.

"I know." Harry said simply. He tightened his grip on Niall and pulled back slightly, smashing their lips together.

Soon enough, their clothes were flying, skin was sweating, and swears were pouring out of their lips.

I just need one more night. Harry thought, pressing a hard kiss to Niall's slightly open lips. He refused to believe he loved Niall. He refused the thought completely. Just one more night.

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