Ziall :: Happy Three Years

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I always make Niall the girl of the relationship. I decided to try to change that.


Zayn woke up to an added weight on his hips. He opened his eyes to see Niall, his boyfriend, sitting in his lap, smiling brightly at him. Zayn raised an arm to cover his eyes, which were being blinded by the sun peeking through the curtains.

"Hi Niall." Zayn said, smiling up at him. Usually he was a very grumpy morning person, but it was a special day.

"Happy three years!" Niall smiled excitedly. Zayn raised an eyebrow at him.

"Three?" He asked, lifting his arm slightly to get a better look at Niall. The blonde boy shrugged.

"For the band, anyways." Niall leaned down and placed a kiss on Zayn's lips. Zayn wrapped an arm around Niall's waist. "Happy two years."

"Happy two years." Zayn agreed. He leaned off the side of the bed and pulled out a fairly large box, wrapped in blue wrapping paper, and setting it on his stomach, in front of Niall.

"Oh, Z!" Niall smiled brightly, and Zayn chuckled, his eyes still a bit heavy with sleep. "You're so sweet."

"Only 'cause I love you." Zayn said. Niall tapped his fingers together, his shoulders a bit tense.

"I-I got you something, too." Niall said, his hands on top of the present now. "It's a surprise for later, though."

"That's sweet." Zayn said, reaching up to run a hand through Niall's hair, pulling him down to give him a soft kiss. "Open it."

Niall smiled for a moment before ripping into the wrapping paper. He set it aside and opened up the box. There were a lot of things in there; candies, gift certificates for Nando's, but one thing caught Niall's eye especially.

"Zayn," He breathed, picking up the gold locket. "it's . . . beautiful."

The chain was silver, but the heart at the bottom was gold. He opened it gently. On one side was a picture of just him and Zayn. It was when they were younger, still in x-factor. They weren't together yet, but they looked so happy. Zayn was in the middle of saying something, and Niall was smiling brightly at him, his eyes full of love. It was when they didn't realize they had feelings for each other.

On the other side was a picture of the boys, all five of them. They were sitting at the pool, their feet in the water. Niall remembered it was for a photo-shoot.

"This is perfect!" Niall said, throwing his arms around Zayn. Zayn chuckled, pressing a kiss to his temple.

"I bet it won't be as perfect as whatever you got me." Zayn said, pulling back to lean on his pillow. "Your gifts are always lovely."

Niall's heart began beating, wondering if his gift could actually count as a gift.

He put the necklace on, loving how it fell straight over his heart, and took out other things from the box, smiling at each little thing he pulled out.


They spent the whole day with the boys, celebrating their third year together as a band. They were all sat watching a movie now, and it was obvious to all of them that Niall was distracted.

"What's wrong, babe?" Zayn whispered to Niall, his lips close to Niall's ear. Niall shook his head. The movie they were watching was almost over, and Niall felt doubt take over his body.

"Good movie." Liam said. Niall took a deep breath, his hands shaking. He leaned into Zayn and kissed his cheek.

"I-I love you, Zayn." Niall wished he were more romantic. He slipped onto the floor and pulled the black box from the pocket of his hoodie. Zayn hid his face behind his hands, feeling tears come to his eyes. "Will you marry me?"

Zayn nodded, sniffling. Niall smiled, letting out a shaky breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding. He grabbed both of Zayn's hands, pulling them from his face, and leaned in to kiss him softly, wrapping his arms around Zayn's neck. He slipped the ring onto Zayn's finger, sliding back up to sit on the couch.

"Happy two years." Niall said, his forehead pressed to Zayn's. They hardly even noticed their friends clapping and cheering for them, poking their sides and smiling.

"You said your gift was amazing." Zayn looked down at his ring, smiling back up at Niall. He agreed, "Happy two years."


Never again.

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