Larry :: Better Than Words

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It's one of those days when Louis realizes that Harry is his, as if he didn't already know if before. It just hits him like a hurricane and he's so overwhelmingly happy and giddy.

He glances over at Harry, the smile on his face brightening- which might have been odd, right then, in the middle of an interview. He hadn't been listening much, for all he knew they could be talking about something awfully sad and Louis' just sitting there smiling like a love-struck idiot. Now that all of this is washing over Louis like a tidal wave, he realizes he is a love-struck idiot.

And Harry's saying something, and everything about him looks so beautiful. His lips are moving around his words so tightly that Louis can almost see what he's saying. His hands are still and folded together on his legs. He's a bit hunched over and he looks interested in his own story. And it all- he all belongs to Louis.

Those hands are Louis'. Those lips are Louis'. Those legs are Louis'. Those eyes are Louis'. That hair is Louis'. All of the things that belong to Harry are Louis', too, and Louis takes total advantage of that.

Like when they get home, Louis pressed Harry tight against the wall so there's no space between them. He pressed a hard kiss to the lips that belong to him, wraps his fingers around the hands that belong to him, then lets go and runs his hands through the hair that belongs to him, presses one leg between the legs that belong to him. It's all Louis', and Harry's perfectly fine with belonging to Louis.

"You okay, Boo? You horny?" The deep voice is also Louis'- one he'll make moan and scream in the bedroom later. But Louis isn't horny, he's lovestruck. "You've been staring at me all day."

"You're just so beautiful." Louis said, his voice full of adoration and love and it's all really overwhelming for Harry. He smiles and blushes and Louis' heart explodes. Harry is cute and Harry is hot and Harry is everything and Harry is his.

"Thanks, Louis." Harry's still flushing with pride- still caught, squished, between Louis' body and the wall. He pressed a soft kiss to Louis' lips, and Louis didn't miss the way he bent down slightly to do so, because he was so much taller than Louis.

Louis didn't want to lose contact with Harry, especially not his lips at this point, so he was pretty disappointed when Harry just kissed him- didn't snog him. So he pulled Harry back, wrapping a hand around the back of his neck, and pressing their mouths together again. Harry gasped a bit in surprise, and Louis took that beautiful opportunity to slip his tongue into Harry's mouth and snog him properly.

"Hmm," Harry hummed into Louis' mouth. Their tongues were fighting for dominance- a useless battle as Louis always overpowered Harry. No matter how tall Harry was or how much he worked out, he fell absolutely submissive under Louis. Their lips moved in perfect sync, and Louis' hands tangled into Harry's curls once again.

"Lou?" Harry pulled back, tried to pull himself from Louis' grip- then decided he didn't want to. He had forgotten what he was going to say, so he just wrapped his arms around Louis' little waist and stuttered out an "I-I love you." to pretend like he had a reason to break their kiss.

"I love you too, sweetheart." Louis said. He hated having to look up at Harry, because Harry was his baby and he should be looking down. But it was perfect when he wanted cuddles- being able to fit right into Harry's tall, lanky body with his short, curvy one. It worked perfectly, the two of them, and that thought washed over Louis' entire brain for a moment and settled into a small spot, like all of his other thoughts had.

"Come here," Louis said, deciding that he was slightly horny- but in a different, cheesier way. He loved the way Harry flushed with absolute pride and confidence when he showed how love-struck he was to the one overwhelming him. What better way to show Harry how much he loved him than to make love to him?

Louis stepped back, out of contact with Harry, and held out his hand, inviting. Harry smiled and took his hand- let Louis lead him to their shared bedroom and sit him on the bed, shift him to be laying down. Louis closed the door and climbed on the bed with Harry, slotting himself between Harry's long legs.

"So you are horny?" Harry asked in a small, curious voice. Louis had forgotten about that question. After the snog with Harry and even more thoughts washing everything else away, how could he remember?

"Not horny." Louis promised. He took Harry's hands, tangling their fingers together and pinning Harry's hands down onto the pillows his head was on. "I just love you."

Harry flushed again, and Louis' heart fluttered. He felt like a little schoolgirl with the ultimate crush, getting butterflies every time her crush breathed. Except for now, Louis was a full-grown man with those same fucking butterflies, and it annoyed him as much as he loved Harry.

"I love you so much." Louis said. He wished he could tell Harry just how much he loved him, because flattering words always made Harry fluttery and happy and the same way Louis was right now.

"I love you so much, too."


An hour later and Louis was still pretty love drunk. He was curled, naked, into Harry's side. The two of them would have fallen asleep up if it weren't mid-day on a Tuesday. So they stayed up, silent, both pretty breathless.

"Lou," Harry whispered, turning over on his side. Louis looked at him, his eyes soft and loving. He ran his fingers over the back of Harry's neck and up his jaw, pressing kisses to the spots that left goosebumps on Harry's skin.

"Did you need something, babe?" Louis asked after a few minutes. Harry said his name as if he was going to say something but he never actually said anything. Harry just shook his head. Louis scoot closer to him and pressed a kiss to his lips, using the band on the back of Harry's neck to pull the younger boy closer.

"I still love you." Louis said, as if Harry would have forgotten. He reached under the blankets and grabbed Harry's hand, tangling their fingers together. Harry's hand was a bit sweaty, like the rest of his body, but Louis didn't mind, because he was pretty sweaty, too.

"I still love you, too." Harry said. He closed his eyes and curled into Louis, having to scoot down on the bed slightly to not knock his head against Louis'. Louis smiled and rested his chin on top of Harry's head.

He didn't want to let today go, because it wasn't every day that he was love-struck and realized all of Harry's beauty and value. It was dumb that he didn't, or he thought it was. But he loved Harry just the same every day, even if he didn't realize.

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