Ziam :: Change My Mind (Part One)

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"It's late," are the first words Liam's said in over an hour, his eyes trained on the watch on his wrist instead of the boy he'd spoken to. Zayn looked at Liam, glancing at the watch on his arm and took a moment to read the time. 11:30.

"Yeah," is the first word Zayn's said in over an hour, gazing at the side of Liam's face. He makes no move to get up, even though this is Liam's house and he should be the one leaving. Was that a subtle hint? Should Zayn leave?

Liam doesn't say anything else. He doesn't look annoyed like he wants Zayn to leave, but Zayn guesses that's the best thing to do right now. Liam probably wouldn't have brought up the time otherwise, especially in the middle of a movie. So Zayn shifted, stood up and away from Liam's arm, which had been wrapped around his shoulder.

Liam just watched. Zayn tried not to be awkward or hesitate as he walked towards the door, grabbing his coat. In a perfect world, he wouldn't be leaving. In a perfect world, Liam would have taken the stupid watch off and fallen asleep on his shoulder. In a perfect world, Liam would be his and he'd be able to just watch him sleep then carry him up to bed with the slight muscle he's put on from being at the gym with Harry so often.

But in reality, Zayn was confused. He and Liam were always together, so attached at the hip. The only time they weren't with each other is when Zayn left Liam's house, or Liam left Zayn's house. It was always so late, too, and it was really confusing- did they always draw out the time they were together? Were they always hesitant to leave? Zayn knows he keeps Liam away from clocks at his house, but did Liam? Because Liam had just pointed out the time. Did Liam want him to leave? Did Liam not want him there anymore? Did Liam think they were just best friends?

Zayn has a sudden memory of him and Liam in this very room, dancing together. It wasn't silly, it was serious even though they both wore smiles. Liam twirled Zayn under his arm and that's when they both giggled. They weren't even listening to music, and they'd both just gotten done watching "Beauty & the Beast," which is probably where the whole slow-dancing had some from. But it was heart-warming, because they were both so close and that much closer to kissing. Were they still just best friends after a moment like that?

"Zayn?" Liam asked as Zayn reached for the handle of the front door. Zayn turned slightly, keeping his hand around the doorknob. Liam looked at Zayn's hand, then back up at Zayn's eyes, and he gulped. "Do you- it's really late, do you just wanna stay?"

And Zayn thought Liam would never ask. His heart flipped and he smiled, tried to be casual as he did so. He took off his coat and hung it back up, shuffling over to Liam. "Yeah, I'd love to. Eh, thanks."

"Of course." Liam said. He pat the spot next to him and they cuddled back up to each other, Liam's arm around his shoulders. Zayn noticed, a few minutes later, that Liam had taken his watch off, and he smiled.

A while later, Zayn was laughing at the movie. Liam was silent, though, and Zayn glanced over to see why. He almost had a heart attack, really, but it wasn't anything scary or bad. It was just, Liam had fallen asleep on his shoulder and this was all-too-much like Zayn's imaginary, perfect world with Liam.

Zayn felt like he was in a trance a moment later as he shifted, gathering Liam in his arms and carrying him upstairs to bed. He lay Liam down and then pulled the covers over him. He just hovered for a moment, wondering if this was real. Then he was climbing into bed with Liam, and he was curled into Liam's side, falling asleep to the steady sound of Liam sleeping peacefully. It felt all too good to be real, and the next morning, when they woke up, Liam would probably be really freaked out.

But, as of right now, Zayn couldn't find it in himself to care. Because this was just like his dreams; the ones he wanted so desperately to come true.

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