Chapter 34

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I really need to see a doctor. I clutch my stomach and begin growling.

My sickness hasn't gone away and my stomach is getting ill with it. It probable only the stomach flew but I don't know.

I start to edit my main channel video for the day. Soon after Simon walks in.


"I'm still sick." I say. Indicating at my stomach.

"Abby. Please come with me. It's new years. It'll be your first new year with us"

"Simon. We've been over this. I can't. I'm sick. I'll probably go to the doctor before they close later tonight"

He just groans.

"It's interesting to see that you care about my health" I sass as I turn back to my pc.

"I do! It's just I don't want to go without you. It'll be fun. I promise"

"Do you think this is about me being social?!" I say a bit shocked. He looks unsure of what to say.

"Well I mean, you're kinda over exaggerating. You've barely left your room the last couple of days cause of you being sick" he does air quotations.

I continue to not look at him. And he just stands watching me.

"Fine. Whatever. Don't go" he angrily leaves my room and I shut the door behind him.

I walk back over to my chair to continue editing.

About an hour later I grab my phone and text Josh.

Me: What time are you lot leaving?

I don't get a response for a few minutes.

Joshua 👨🏻: Around 9.

Me: ok thanks

I look at the time. I have an hour before they leave. I render my video and grab my phone and some cash and leave.

"I'm gone to the doctor!" I yell just I leave.

I looked up earlier what time the doctor closes later tonight and they close at 9:30.

I call a taxi and wait for a bit. When I arrive at the doctors office I go straight to the desk (idk how tf the doctors work there so sorry if it's inaccurate)

"Hi can I get an appointment with a doctor?" I smile sweetly.

"Do you have a family doctor?" I shake my head. "Ok name?"

"Abby Taylor" she types it in the computer.

"Ok take a seat" I back away from the counter and take a seat in the lobby.


Ok. Short ass update but I can explain.

My cousins are visiting and I don't have much time to do anything such as write. I missed all the videos for the sidemen today and I can't fit it in.

The next few days are gonna be busy but I'll try to write. Try. I can't promise anything.

Peace nerds ✌🏻✌🏻

-Abby xxx

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