Chapter 19

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Saturday. It's finally Saturday.

I jump out of bed and rush to grab my phone which is across the room plugged in.

I quickly unplug it and hop on my bed. I click the home screen and I see 4 new messages.

Simoné 💜: Good morning! I should probably say this in person but when I knocked on your door you were sleeping. So, be ready for 7 and I'll come to your room and get you. Ok?

I quickly respond to Simon.

Me: Yea ok. I'm good with that.

I check the other messages.

One from an unknown number and two from josh. I sigh and turn my phone off, getting out of bed once more.

I change into my outfit for today and walk out of my room. I see Simons door open. I quietly knock on his door and I see him spin around in his chair with his eyes focused on his phone.

"Hello!" I say cheerfully.

He hums in response.

"Well then" I say. "I guess I'll leave then. You're busy" I giggle.

"Sorry I'm arranging a colab with Joe" he says and looks up "what's up?"

"I wanted to ask... is there anything else I should know about for the date tonight." That's a weird word to say. Date.

"Nope. Just dress casually, what you have on is fine." He says.

"Good because I wasn't gonna change anyways" he chuckles.

"Can I have a hint?" I speak up as his eyes go back down to his phone.

"Umm... I don't know.. i mean, it's nothing fancy, I wanna see how this goes first." He smiles at me.

"Ok! Well I'm gonna go eat breakfast talk later" I leave his room and go to the kitchen.

I walk in and see Josh and JJ talking.

"Oooh. Somones going on a dateeeeee" JJ chants. I can't help but smile.

"Grow up JJ" Josh rolls his eyes.

"Hey, so, Ethan, Harry and Tobi are coming over at around 9 we're gonna be filming, can we have Simon back by then?" Josh says talking a sip of Dr.Pepper.

"I swear you guys act like I'm the oldest here." I roll my eyes.

"I mean you are responsibler" JJ says.

"That isn't a word." Josh says.

"More responsible" I correct.

"Oh piss off" I laugh at JJ and nod my head.

"Yea Josh. I'll try" he nods and continues his conversation with JJ. I grab a bowl of cereal and take it to the couch and flick FIFA 17. I sit cross legged and lay my bowl between my legs before starting to play the game.


Yo guys! How'd you like the chapter? I know it's still short but I had like 20 minutes to write this during class, and after school I have a volleyball tournament thing.

I still really wanna know how you guys are liking the story, as you could probably tell the main conflict (that's a big word) of this story is approaching but idk what chapter it'll be in.

Hope you guys had an amazing day and peace!


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